seeing the easter bunny!

Start from the beginning

Will kisses Harlow cheek and rubs her back.

RJ and Theodore then walk down the steps together!

"Hi!" Theodore says to Will, Harlow, Benji and Coralei.

"Hello! You look very handsome just like bubba and Papi!" Will says to Theodore as he vlogs him.

RJ tenderly kisses Will and rubs Will's back, making Will smile ear to ear.

"Hi, Harlow! You look so cute in your dress, baby girl!" RJ says to Harlow making her smile.

"Papi!" Benji and Coralei say as they hug RJ's legs and waist tightly.

"Hi! You two look very nice today!" RJ says to Benji and Coralei.

"Dobby should meet the Easter Bunny with us!" Coralei says to RJ and Will.

"He can't go to the mall with us, Coralei. If the Easter Bunny goes to the pet store we can take him." Will says as he pets Dobby again.

"Dobby!" Theodore says, hugging Dobby tightly.

"Awww. Dobby loves hugs!" Will says as he vlogs Dobby and Theodore.

"Who is excited to see the Easter Bunny?" RJ asks Benji, Coralei and Theodore.

"MEEEEE!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison

"Well, let's get going guys!" RJ says to Benji, Coralei and Theodore as he buckles Harlow into her car seat.

"Yay!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in excitement.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow are get in the car and head to the mall!

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow have been in line for twenty five minutes and it is almost their turn to see the Easter Bunny!

Will films the Easter Bunny sitting in his big green chair and he is waving at all of the kids in line.

Will films the Easter Bunny sitting in his big green chair and he is waving at all of the kids in line

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*The Easter Bunny*

"He is waving at you guys!" Will says to Benji, Coralei and Theodore.

"Hiiii!" Coralei and Theodore say in unison as they waves at the Easter Bunny.

"Hi, Easter Bunny!" Benji says happily as he waves at the Easter Bunny.

The Easter Bunny happily waves at Benji, Coralei and Theodore.

"Harlow! Look! Look, baby! There's the Easter Bunny!" RJ says to Harlow as he points at the Easter Bunny.

The Easter Bunny waves at Harlow and Harlow hides her face into RJ's shoulder making Will and RJ both giggle.

"I hope she doesn't cry or get upset." Will says as he fixes Harlow's hair bow.

"I think she will be okay. Coralei did the same thing when she first met the Easter Bunny." RJ says to Will as he kisses Harlow's cheek.

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