More Than You Can Ever Imagine.

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Six Years Ago

"Babe, I am home." Laura yelled out so that Sarah could hear from wherever she was in the house. Laura walked to the kitchen counter, and dropping the grocery bags on the counter, she waited for her best friend to come and greet her but the house was unusually calm. Laura found herself frowning and after slipping out of her coat, she made her way towards her bedroom. The bedroom door was closed which was a surprise to Laura because Sarah never bothered to close doors. Laura turned the door knob and opening the door, she found Sarah sitting on the bed with her knees close to her chest and her head buried between her arms, while her body was shaking violently. My baby is crying. . .Laura's heart was suddenly filled with sadness. Rushing towards her best friend, Laura sat beside her and refrained herself from touching Sarah. The brunette never liked being touched when she was upset. 

Laura sat there for sometime without uttering a single word. Giving her friend her space and time was the only thing that Laura was good at. Laura could comfort Sarah by holding her in her arms and rocking her back and forth, but the raven-haired never tried to engage in conversations with people who were feelings vulnerable. She feared that she would say something completely disastrous and all hell would break loose. And who would want that, right? So, Laura sat in silence, her loving heart impatiently waiting for Sarah to tell her what was wrong. After what seemed like a decade, Sarah finally lifted her head and turning her head, she looked at Laura with grieving eyes. Laura's heart broke into pieces for having to witness her best friend in such sorrow. Before Laura could open her mouth to ask anything or say any words of comfort, Sarah threw herself at Laura and the raven-haired used all her balance to keep still and not take them both down on the floor. 

Laura's arms were wrapped securely around Sarah as the brunette nuzzled against Laura's chest. Laura's right hand subconsciously went to Sarah's head, slowly running her hand over Sarah's hair. When Sarah pulled herself away from Laura's chest to look into Laura's green eyes, the raven-haired knew that she was in a bigger trouble than she had foreseen. "Hey." Laura's voice was soft and soothing. With the pad of her thumb, Laura wiped away Sarah's tears that rolled down her cheeks. "Hey, beautiful." Laura let out a ghost of a smile towards Sarah and even though her face didn't show it, Sarah's heart felt much lighter, just because Laura was with her. Near her. 

"Hey." Sarah's voice still cracked but no more tears were left to flow free. She had cried herself dry. "I am so sorry that you had to come home and see me like this. I am a horrible friend." Sarah averted her eyes from her friend. 

"Hey," Laura cupped Sarah's chin and turned her face towards her. "Look at me." Laura's gentle voice and her tender touch made Sarah to look at Laura. "As long as I can come home to you, I am good." Both Laura and Sarah scrunched up their noses. "Yeah, that was too corny, wasn't it?" And they both laughed out loud, together. "And you're not a terrible friend but you will be if you don't tell me what's wrong?" 

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