SHSL Predictor! Depressed! Reader

Start from the beginning

"I-I'm sorry! The pain will go away..." Shuichi apologized rapidly, each time he wiped a wound apologizing for the pain. Then he took some bandages and carefully wrapped your wounds, putting away the first aid kit when he was done.

You took one look at him and tears immediately began to spill. Without thinking you suddenly hugged him tightly, crying into his chest like a lost little kid.

"W-woah!" Shuichi exclaimed, freezing up. Since you just kept crying he slowly relaxed, and eventually hugged you back. He patted your back a little, still feeling kinda awkward. "H-hey, why are you crying?"

"It's all my fault Rantaro's dead..." You whispered shakily, sobbing loudly afterwards.

"No it's not. If I suddenly predicted that my friend would kill someone, I don't think I'd be able to tell anyone either," Shuichi admitted, and slowly began to run his fingers through your hair.

You grew silent again, but quickly calmed down. You snuggled up to the taller male like a small child and closed your eyes, letting out a relaxed sigh. "Thank you..."

"Y-you're welcome," Shuichi laughed awkwardly as you closed my eyes a bit, not sure what to do about you now half asleep in his lap.

"Can you carry me to bed and hug me?" You randomly asked, looking up at him with half closed eyes.

"Wh-what?!" Shuichi began to actually blush at your request.

"Pleeeeaaaase?" You nuzzled him encouragingly, hugging him tighter.

"Alright, f-fine!" Shuichi gave in, picking you up like you were a toddler. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder tiredly, already almost asleep again.

"Hmmm... thank chuu..." You mumbled sleepily.

You felt yourself get placed on your bed and tucked in carefully, and then you felt Shuichi join you. You hugged him tightly and fell asleep almost immediately.


You opened your eyes to see a still asleep Shuichi. You smiled and blushed a little, he was cute when he was asleep... that was one thing you didn't want to admit, you were totally attracted to the detective. In my defense, he's sexy, okay?! Holy shit... I actually just thought that.

Your blush got even worse and you started to fidget a little, so you slipped out of bed to not disturb Shuichi. You decided a shower would calm yourself, and you grabbed a spare uniform then went to shower.

When you got out, he was awake and was eating over the coffee table in your room. There was another plate of food next to him, obviously for you.

"How'd you know I like bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns?" You questioned, grabbing the fork and beginning to eat.

"Really? I just grabbed a typical breakfast I thought you'd like," Shuichi admitted, eating a plate of pancakes for himself.

You laughed a bit, "If it was me getting the breakfast I'd totally predict your food."

Shuichi and you laughed a bit at your joke. To the both of you, it was pretty funny. Once you finished, you both returned your dishes to the kitchen. Everyone else had already finished theirs so it was just Kirumi washing dishes, who eagerly took yours to continue her work.

You let her be, and while walking out of the kitchen you finally spoke up.

"S-so, uh... do you wanna spend the day together?" You asked.

"Oh, um, sure!" Shuichi agreed with a slight awkwardness to his tone.

You decided to spend some time playing games in the game room, until you both (mostly you) got bored of losing because of being a terrible gamer.

"Come on, that was total bullshit!" You whined and pouted, crossing your arms like a child.

"You're just not very good at it," Shuichi chuckled.

"Shut up!" You huffed, which only made Shuichi laugh. You began blushing and hid your face in your coat in embarrassment.

Shuichi walked over to you, pulled your coat down from your face and suddenly kissed you on the cheek! You went beet red from his move that came from nowhere, which made Shuichi continue to laugh at you.

"Wha- Shuichi-! That wasn't- ghhhh!!!" You stuttered randomly, and was about to hide in your coat again but he gave you a kiss on the lips this time.

"Wasn't enough~?" Shuichi teased, now an entirely different person. Next thing you knew he was roughly kissing you, and you squeaked in shock. Your initial shock eventually died down and you kissed back, though still shyly. Your arms naturally wrapped around his neck while his were wrapped around your waist.

His tongue suddenly began to lap hungrily around your mouth, making you let out a few moans and groans at the feeling. "Mmn~ Wh-wha are you- haah~!" You couldn't really speak with a mouthful of tongue, so you just embarrassed yourself even more.

Eventually the kiss was parted for air, and you were both panting from it. But the entire world felt magical, like it was meant to be.

"(Y/N), I... I love you," Shuichi admitted.

"I... l-love you too, Shuichi," You awkwardly stuttered, blushing redder than a tomato. Shuichi laughed a little at your embarrassment and hugged you close.

"So... I guess that makes us a couple..." Shuichi commented.

"Duh!" You began laughing yourself, booping him on the nose.

"H-hey!" Shuichi complained.

Word count: 1451

Little update on the early access server idea: There's not very many people and I've decided to expand to Amino. I will DM users who I would like to join once it's set up, which may take an hour at the most

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