Exo Sehun

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The music stopped as I missed the fifth step in a row.

"I'm done. You clearly have no interest in becoming an idol,"my appointed dance instructor yelled as he stormed out of the room.

"Shit!"I mumbled under my breath as I reset the song and got into position again.

2 minutes and 43 seconds later I stepped in the wrong direction and quickly tried to correct myself causing me to slip. I hit the ground with a loud thud, and a groan escaped my lips.

The sound of approaching footsteps and a door shutting alerted me that I was no longer alone. The person came to a halt in front of me,but because I was still on the ground the only thing I could see of the person we're their black converses .

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Well now, is that any way to ask for help?" A deep familiar voice asked from above me.

"Ha! What makes you think I need help" I retorted, regardless of the fact I did NEED help.

"Well because I only caught a glimpse of your practice and I can already tell what your problem is", he replied confidently.

"Yeah, and what's that", I asked pulling myself into a sitting position and turning away from him, obscuring any view he had of me.

"i'll tell you if you let me help you", he spoke then waited quietly for what I assume was my answer.

I weighed my options and quickly came to the conclusion that I had nothing to lose, so I stood while bowing respectfully.

"Alright." I mumbled

He Outstretched his hand and I took it. After I was Standing he let go and walked over to start the Music.

"Alright when I start the music this time, I want you to feel the Music." He looked thoughtfully at me before continuing," you keep messing up because you're concentrating too hard. Just feel it. "

I nodded my head and began. I tried to feel the music but all i could concentrate on was the steps to come. the music stopped and i turned in confusion.

“you're not feeling it,” he let out an exasperated sigh while he slipped off his jacket. “here let me help.”

The music began and i got in position but before i could move,a hand wrapped around my waist and i felt him behind me.

“Just feel it”, he whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes and let him guide me.

Before i knew it the music stopped and applause erupted throughout the room.i opened my eyes and came face to face with deep brown eyes.

“ See that wasn't to hard was it?” he whispered as he pulled away and walked over to the group of guys that had entered the room. Looking at them closely i realized why he had looked so familiar.

“Oh shit, Kai better watch out,” Baekhyun joked as he slapped Sehun on the back.

They all jooked around as they walked out of the studio. I went over to my things and began to gather them when a arm familiarly wrapped itself around my waist again.

“I never got your name”, Sehun whispered.

“You never asked.”

“Well i never really cared earlier.”

“What changed?” I asked as i turned to face him.

He closed the gap between us, “ We felt the music together”.

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