That Which Is Necessary

Start from the beginning

"I shouldn't," Ryan feigned a swoon.

"Do it!" Dustin demanded.

Ryan cringed. "Ugh, fine!"

* * *

The knife had been drawn. Now she waited for the time to strike. It must be done, her mind told her. But she feared she wasn't strong enough to do the deed. She looked into Henry's blue eyes and at his gray hair-stubbed face. He looked at her with such kindness and interest, as he always had—even in her darkest times. He did not foresee what would soon unfold.

"Rose, where did you get that robe?" Henry asked, touching the fabric. "It is so tan!"

"Oh, a nice gentleman gave it to me. It turns out he is the true ruler of worlds. Our planet is only one of many that can support life. These other exoplanets are home to many kinds of species, but most of them would destroy themselves if it were not for Titan, our true Emperor. He has saved nearly every advanced civilization in the galaxy, and it appears Earth's incompetence, hatred, and prejudice has promoted it to the top of Titan's list. After Hallux, Earth will be next. This planet I have called home for my whole life will be saved from its own inhabitants. Earth is a special one on the list, because very few planets, in fact, have religions so widespread and diverse. It is as if every human is searching for something beyond its comprehension. And now, he will come for us—to save us from ourselves."

"This doesn't sound like the Rose I know." His smile faded, and his expression turned serious. "I don't even understand what you are saying."

"Your job is not to know," she retorted, narrowing her eyes. "It is to accept."

"That I will not, whoever you are," Henry said.

"The name is Justice, Voir to the Titan, savior of the universe."

"From what I can hear, he does not sound like a good man. What has he done to you?!"

"He is most wonderful, gracious, and generous. There is none to compare to him in all of the cosmos."

She whipped out the knife.

* * *

Ryan savored the taste. "Oh yeah, you cooked this good, Chef Lung," he garbled as he chewed. "What's the name of it?"

"Aphelion Turm."

Ryan paused in thought, half-expecting that the fancy name would amplify the taste. "OK."

Close to twenty minutes were spent eating the Turm and cleaning up. After they finished, Sonovan stood up and motioned for them to follow him. "Now, we rest. Once you wake, I will begin your training."

"Do you have a studio?" Johnny asked.

"A studio?" Sonovan repeated, making a face.

Johnny coughed. "I mean, uh, a dojo? A place of training?"

He nodded. "Ah, yes I do. In fact, we are in it now."

"We are?" Johnny replied, shooting a look around.

"Yes," Sonovan said with a chuckle. "The room can be whatever you need it to be."

"Uh, how so?" Dustin asked, confused.

Sonovan smiled at him. "There is no law which states against it." Leading them out, he paced down the hall to find them a place to sleep. Sonovan led them to a room, where they found four sleep apparatuses, similar to those in Ledarius's Octavian.

"There are only four," Ryan observed.

"The rest will have to sleep on the ground."

"I'll sleep on the ground," Johnny offered. "You guys can sleep in the cases."

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