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Okay, first and foremost: I am absolutely sorry it took me so long to do this! Forgive me. 
Second: If I don't get any feedback/votes/comments I am not gonna continue this story. Those are the things that keep me going. And I also want to know if the story is any good >///<

The evening was chilly and thick grey clouds started to pack above the streets of London. The city was dark, the street lights didn't work due to a power failure. A young man, aged 21, walked the streets. His blue hat pulled over his eyes and his red scarf wrapped tight around his neck, protecting him from the cold. The first drops of rain started to fall from the sky and the man quickened his pace. He was heading to the apartement of a friend who needed help.

He crossed the road and made his way towards the familiar green door. He pressed the bell and sighed when he didn't get a response. He pressed it again and after a while he heard a click and a questioning 'Yes?'. The voice was deep and raspy, as if his friend just woke up.

"It's me", the young man said. There was a buzz and the man opened the green door. Stepping inside, he loosened his scarf and unbottoned his coat. He walked through the hallway towards the stairs and quickly ran up the steps. Several candles were burning on tables to lighten up the staircase and the young man tried not to push over andy of the tables or candles. He stopped on the third floor and his eyes scanned the storey carefully. Nothing seemed wrong and his curiosity grew. After all this years, why did his friend need him now? 

The man moved over to a smaller door, which was already opened slightly. He pushed it further open and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He put of his coat and hung it on the peg. 

"Where are you?", he asked. "Here", was the short answer. The young man chuckled softly and followed the sound, which came from the living room.

He was slightly shocked by what he saw, because this wasn't like his friend at all.

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