But then again as of right now,  her crush on him wasn't as strong as it was before just because of how he was acting as of late, especially right now.  Currently he still sat at the dining room table, jotting down notes on a sheet of paper that laid flat against the surface of the table while Keisha's chair was pushed directly against his, her head laid up against his shoulder as her red polished nails clicked away at the glass screen of her phone. The sight of them together was enough to make Isabella puke.

Just as she was about to say something else to add to her defense, the three of them spotted Donovan and Keisha get up from the dining table and make their way into the kitchen.

"Hey ladies," he smirked, giving both Patricia and Vanessa direct eye contact while completely ignoring Isabella.  A red mechanical pencil was on top of his ear as he held his hard textbook in one hand while his other embraced Keisha's, their fingers intertwined.

That form of affection caught Isabella by surprise as her eyes noticed it. They were definitely a couple and this sign of confirmation had her extremely pissed. She tried her best to compose herself though and not let her emotions show.

"Hey Donovan," both Vanesa and Patricia said simultaneously.

Isabella of course didn't say anything, knowing his greeting wasn't for her.

"You two look cute or whatever," Patricia complimented while hopping off the bar stool.

Keisha grinned happily from ear to ear. "I know right." She then grabbed Donovan's face and turned it towards hers, before planting a huge kiss on his  lips.

He kissed her back immediately, causing both Isabella and Vanessa to watch enviously while Patricia watched proudly.

As he kissed her his hand placed the textbook down on the granite countertop before his other hand released Keisha's. He then placed both on her waist and pulled her closer, leaving not a single inch of space in between them as he kissed her. Pulling away, he dropped a small peck on her cheek then looked directly into Isabella's eyes for a brief amount of seconds, giving her a vicious smirk and slight wink.

Isabella had enough as she looked away, feeling complete anger boiling in the pit of her stomach as she let out a deep breath, trying her best to keep herself composed. She wouldn't dare to show Donovan that she was upset yet even slightly bothered. She knew that he was dong this on purpose. He was playing the same devilish game he was playing earlier that day in the cafe and was purposely trying to make her jealous because of what she had said. But hey, if he wanted to play these kind of games, she would too.

As if he heard his queue, Christopher strolled into the kitchen with Peter by his side as well as Anthony. "Hey babe," he cooed softly, his arm slithering around her waist while he approached her. He stood in front of her and Isabella opened her legs as she sat on the bar stool, making space for him to stand in between them. She noticed he was about to kiss her and without second guessing it, she placed her hand behind his neck and pulled him in, speeding up the process.

His lips moved against hers hungrily as her tongue slipped into his mouth. Her hands pulled him close, exactly how Donovan's pulled Keisha. As she kissed him she couldn't help but want to open her eyes just to see the look on Donovans face, but she fought against it, knowing that'd be extremely weird and would make her petty revenge very obvious.  Instead she continued kissing Christopher and when she finished, she placed one last peck on his lips just like Donovan had done to Keisha before pulling apart.

Instantly, her honey hazel eyes darted over to his dark ones. She could tell he wasn't happy by the way his lips were angrily pressed together, his arms were crossed and his jaw was clenched. This caused a satisfied smile to play at Isabellas lips before she looked away.

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