A Different Night

Start from the beginning

Tin started to get irritated. He stood up and approached the dance floor, he was behind the guy when he heard him say something to Can.

"You're so sexy, little one. Would you like to come home with me after this?"

Tin fumed with what he heard.

"This guy! What right does he has to ask Can this way?"

Can saw Tin approached them. He looked like he was ready to raise hell, not wanting to provoke the taller guy. He responded curtly to the guy giving him advances.

"I'm with someone. And I'm not interested in one night stands."

"But you're so cute. Maybe we can consider going out after tonight."

The guy insisted until he felt a hand touched his shoulder. He looked behind and saw a towering figure, glaring at him.

"Is there a problem, baby?"

Tin pushed the guy aside and approached Can, pulling him by the waist. Can blinked several times, not believing what's happening. Tin smiled and took Can's confused face with his free hand.

"I told you I don't like it when other guys are being close to you."

Tin made sure that what he said could be heard by the other guy who slowly left after that. Can, on the other hand, was liking the contact. Tin's smell has always been intoxicating to him, it smells so sweet, he let himself rest his head by Tin's chest before he whispered.

"Stop this Tin. I maybe shameless but I know how you feel towards me. But thank you for saving me from that guy. Let's go back to the table."

Can let himself free from Tin's embrace. An apparent blush could be seen from his ears and neck as he walked infront of Tin. Tin was confused with what Can whispered, followed him quietly. He was not even sure of what he is feeling right now. He wasn't sure why he acted like he was jealous seeing someone else touch this little guy.

Silence enveloped them when they where seated by the table. Until Can, broke it.

"I had enough. Let's go home."

"Let me give me you a ride home."

"No need, Tin. I can catch a taxi."

"Please Can, it's just a ride. And don't forget that your P'Ae entrusted you to me. I don't like him thinking that I can't take care of you."

Can quietly nodded as he stood up and make his way out of the bar. Tin followed him.

Inside the car, Tin can't help but apologize.

"Can, I'm sorry for earlier. It seems that I ruined your mood with what I did. I was not comfortable seeing you being touched by that guy."

"Why is that?"

"Because he looked like he was taking advantage of you. I don't like it."

"I was not comfortable too. I am crazy and shameless like you always say, but I really don't like hooking up with people I don't know. Thank you again. And you didn't ruin the mood."

"Then why you suddenly became quiet after that?"

"Nothing. Don't mind me."

Can looked outside. Tin took it as a hint to stop the conversation, focused on driving.

Can's mind was running in circles. He had a crush on Tin since he first saw his picture. Since P'Phun showed him to be his new client. He is one of the biggest reason why he accepted the job. He hid his admiration in his craziness, not wanting to be this awkward with him. But the way Tin acted earlier caused his heart to waver.

"This is not good! I had to be better in controlling my emotions infront of him. I need to be the crazy Can he argues with all the time."

Tin was giving Can worried glances. He has been quiet and it makes him uncomfortable. It makes him feel like he did something wrong, the only problem was he didn't know what he did wrong. He acted on impulse but he already apologized and explained it. Then, why the hell this guy is not talking to him?

They reached Ae's apartment.

"Thanks for the ride, Tin. Drive home safely."

Can was about to go out of the car when Tin held his hand to stop him. Can was startled, looked at Tin with a confused expression.

"Can, I'm really sorry for tonight."

"You did nothing wrong, Tin. Please don't think about this too much."

Can let go from Tin's touch.



"Nothing. Good night."

"Good Night, Tin. Thank you."

Can got out of the car and entered the gate with haste. He closed the gate and rested his back on it. He didn't enter the house until he heard Tin's car moved.

As he walked through the main door, he saw his P'Ae by the door.

"Did Tin drop you off?"

"Yes, P'Ae. How is Pete?"

"He's in my room. I guess he is sleeping now."

"Sorry, P'Ae."

"It wasn't your fault, Can. Don't feel guilty over what happened. Sleep now, okay?"

Ae smiled and ruffled the little guy's hair. Can hugged Ae. He was trying his best not to cry.

"Aish, Can. Nothing happened to Pete. Don't berrate yourself like this. Pete is not Jade, okay?"

"But what if you didn't come. You'll lose Pete because of me again."

"Can, listen to me. I didn't loose Jade because of you, she made a choice. You have nothing to do with her choice. And I told you, I won't loose Pete to anyone or anything. So no more crying, it doesn't suit my crazy little Can."

Can nodded against Ae's chest.

"That's better. Goodnight. Don't think of Tin too much."


Ae laughed at Can as he watched him enter his room.


Tin was now on his bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about Can. Still remembering how perfect Can fits in his embrace, how cute those eyes were when he looked at them, how sexy he looked when he moves.

Tin scratched his head, trying to think of an explanation why Can was inside his head all this time.

"Why did I act like that? Why did I hate it so much when I saw someone else touching him? Why did I feel like a dagger was being pushed into my heart when he was not talking to me? How can he affect me this way in such a short period of time? Who are you to me, Can?"

Tin left those questions unanswered as he let himself drift to sleep.


This happened after Ae and Pete left. Sorry I hope the timeline didn't confuse anyone. And I hope those who love TinxCan enjoyed this chapter

And I am taking advantage of the free time I have. Since I feel like next week, when I'm fit to go back to work, things will really be so busy. So take these updates as an advance apology. 😅😅😅

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