Chapter XVIII

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I walked fast towards the next corner only to find another alley that looked just like the one I was getting out of. It was no use.. I was lost and I couldn't find the way I was supposed to go

My heart dropped at the realization that not finding my way back could be a possibility now. I got even more scared as my brain overreacted with each step I took.. what if someone kidnapped me? What if I get stabbed and robbed?

I turned the corner once again and the tears started to come to my eyes.. I couldn't read any signs and there seemed to be no one around me the more I walked.. it all started to get trashy and scary the more I tried to find my way out

"Jackson.. please.. I need you" I cried looking around and then staring blankly at my phone, trying to desperately turn it on even though it only appeared the 'out of battery' symbol

"Fuck" I shouted throwing my hands to my head. I crouched down and started to let it all out. I felt like a lost child looking for her mom in a world of grown ups

I heard steps behind me so I stood up straight and cleaned my tears from my cheeks as I started walking away from them, afraid it was a bad guy coming towards me

But as soon as I started picking up the pace, I noticed that the person behind me was also doing the same thing.

Before I could start running, I heard something in chinese and then felt a firm grisp in my arm pulling me towards him

I looked at the man in front of me in pure horror as he spoke to me words I couldn't understand

"Jackson.. please" was all I could say

The hideous man smiled and said something again getting closer to me.I backed away and he moved me towards the wall of the building next to us

"Stop, dirtbag! Let me go!" I shouted moving my arms desperately

I started shouting Jackson's name again as this man started laughing and moving his hands down my body and then back up to pull out my jacket off of my shoulders

"Jackson, please" I cried out

The man brough his hands to my chest and started touching my neck before coming towards my shirt and unbuttoning a few. I started screaming hysterically and moving frenetically and just like a miracle, his weight that kept me trapped against the wall wasn't pressing me anymore

I fell down to the floor crying "Jackson, please.."

I felt someone pull me up and that's when I heard his warm voice asking me if I was fine

I nodded and looked down towards the floor where the guy was looking at his bloody nose cussing in chinese. He looked at me and smiled before coming back up. I instantly gripped Jackson's clothes, feeling scared and he looked towards where I was looking

Both of them spoke to eachother in chinese and Jackson pulled me behind him towards his back where I hid myself and pressed my head against sobbing uncontrollably

He then pushed me back as the guy launched at him and shoved him to the ground making me screech his name.

The look in my boyfriend's eyes was one I had never seen before. In two seconds he was back up on his feet and balling his fist saying something in chinese

The guy laughed and sit to the ground in front of me and I jumped backwards. That's when Jackson launched himself at him but the guy dodged and hit his face instead, opening his lip

"Stop, no" I yelled

Jackson wiped away the blood and chuckled cussing at him in chinese before going back towards the guy and hitting him in his stomach. Making him fall on his knees. He then proceeded to kick the side of his head after the guy threw a few punches at him but failed and threw him to the groubd where he groaned and gripped his stomach

Jackson said a few last words in chinese and hit a pebble with his feet before turning around towards me and taking off his jacket

I was still crying uncontrollably since I was so scared of everything that just happened. He place his huge coat on my shoulders and smiled warmly "Let's get out of here.. ok?"

I sniffed and broke down crying onto his chest as he started to shush me and took me out of the cold, disgusting alley

By the time we reached his apartment building, I was numb and finally used to the stares if people around us. The whispers about my crying face and my handsome boyfriend's bruised face.

He walked behind me, not really touching me but being close enough for me to feel his presence. Once we reached the door to his apartment, we both took out our shoes still in silence.

I walked straight into the bedroom closing the door behind me feeling the tears on my cheeks. A giant urge to wash my body and scrub it as best I can came over me so I entered the suite bathroom and took off my clothes

I covered the mirror completely after starying at my red eyes for a few seconds. I entered the bathtub and turned on the shower at full potential jumping right under it.

I wanted it gone, everything. The smell of cigarettes, the smell of that dumpster alley.. The germs if his hands that only god knows what they've touched

I picked up the lufa and put the soap on it before starting to scrub away my arms. My skin getting a deep rose as I started crying even more intensely

Suddenly the soft rose started spotting and becoming literally bloody red. And that's when I heard my name being called and the glass door slide before his two hands touched my bruises, making me hince at the painful burning sensation

"Let me take it off Jackson!" I shouted pushing him away

"Stop this Haeju" he pleaded right before I hit his chin with my elbow making him back away from me in pain from biting his tongue

I curled up and covered my face as I kept crying. He turned off the water but didn't come close to me.. instead, he sat against the tub with his hands on his hair

After a few minutes, I started to get cold but I couldn't do anything but watch the red blood stream down my skin

He stood up and turned his face making our gaze lock. His face revealed something I haven't seen in a long time..

A scared Jackson.

He stood up and grabbed a towel "It's getting cold.. come on"

I instantly caved in and let him lift me up while wrapping the towel around my fragile body. I sat on the toilet trembling while he took off the first aid kit from under the sink. Pulling the towel down he did his best to cover up all my bruises with medicine. I watched his fave while he did so. The concentration in his eyes.. the way he pretended he didn't hurt himself everytime he unintentionally bit his lip

I looked back down "Are we even going to make it?"

The question was out again. Here we go..

I looked up at him and there wasn't a sign of surprise on his face.. maybe this was it.. maybe this was our ending..

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