Chapter II

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I felt bad to be using Hyunji's house so I started looking around for a small apartment where I could stay at.. a cheap one.

I made sure I went to JB and Jinyoung's place when I knew was more probable that they were out having rehearsals or recording.

I pushed the code and opened the door taking a deep breath.. here we go. Let's empty the room..

I closed te door behind me and walked up to my room so I could start packing what I had left when I came here the last time. That meant some clothes and books I needed for college.

As I was going towards the living room, I heard the code being pushed so I stared at the door in panic

JB appeared from it and immediately noticed me. A smile erupting on his face "Oh!! Haeju! You're back" he said in a sweet way


He came up to me and opened his long arms. His water bottle in his hands touched my back making me flinch a little since it was so cold

"Ash.. pabbo. We missed you" he mumbled while swinging us from side to side

I had a deep breath and gave up, hugging him tighter and relaxing in his embrace. Of course I wasn't able to contain the tears that were starting to pour out of my eyes in regards to my situation with Jackson

"Come on.. cry it all out.. talk to me"

He kept consoling me as I poured out my heart gripping his shirt. It fucking hurt that Jackson and I had this kind of end and for a reason as frustrating and real as this one

He ended up listening to me vent about evry single frustration I had been dealing with and the hurt I had been carrying alone as I prettended that everything was fine everyday. He did agree that now that I mentioned some things, my reactions went along with what I was saying and that he did completely understand where I was coming from

"But I also know, deep down, that you and him are going to end up together at the end. Because there is really no one in the world that completes him like you do.. and vice versa.. it's just another level" he spoke while softly caressing my back and smiling at me

"You're wrong this time JB. Here, give them to him.." I sniffed reaching up for my pocket "Tell him to burn them off" I mumbled as I placed both rings on his hand

"Oh come on, Haeju.. this is not the end, and you know it"

I shook my head "I'm done JB. I can't take it anymore.. this feels like I'm a wife waiting for a husband at the army, and we're not married.. plus, it feels like the war he is fighting is gonna go on for this entire lifetime, and I can't take it.. I'm tired"

"So you're just gonna move on from him just like that? Ignore what you two have? This chemestry you both have?" He asked now crossing his arms and leaning away

"I have to. I don't want to think about this anymore"

"What if Jackson fights for you?.. like the last time"

I shook my head and looked down at my feet. I coukd feel the tears still flowing to my eyes..

"I don't care anymore JB, it was his last chance and we both blew it"

He leaned is back on the couch and didn't give me an answer. So I took it as my cue to stand up and fo finish packing the suitcase I wanted to take with me

I went into my room and started doing so but a few minutes later, my door opened revealing Jaebum once again..


"I'm leaving. Jinyoung can have this room again" I simply answered

He didn't say anything. He knew he couldn't change my mind, so he just stood there watching me finish everything up.

"Where are you gonna stay?"

I shrugged "For now, at Hyunji's.. but I'm already trying to find a place of my own"

He nodded and simply told me to call him whenever I needed. I thanked him for everything he head done and for giving me the home I needed. With that, I left my room, gave him one last hug, and then never turned around once I walked out of that apartment

For a few days, all I could really think about was him.. about how much it hurts to be away from him, about how we are no longer one.. about how I miss him and how I'd give anything in the workd to stop everything and just be in his arms with no complications, people to judge or time limits

I always would check up online about him and his whereabouts. He was in china right now shooting for the show with kids. Unfortunately, my world wasn't the only one that came tumbling down.. apparently Yoona and JB also couldn't take the long distance relationship so they ended everything, but unlike me and Jackson, they remained friends with no hard feelings

Time started to heal and what were 2 days, became 2 weeks.. then 2 months..

Then it finally gave me enough time to heal completely the scar I hid inside my chest. One that would always be bleeding, specially because of the way it all ended..

Not the fairytale ending

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