chapter 5: couples discount

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First night sleeping in my new bed wasn't too terrible. It was probably better considering how tired I get after a race.

I've decided that I want to walk to the liquor store considering it's only two block away. once I'm there I notice a familiar blonde head and sneak up on him. "BOO!"

Kent turns around stunned. He smiles and walks away after a quick conversation about my race last night.

As I walk out of this corner store I see familiar green eyes. "Hey Brody," I smile warmly.

His eyes slowly rake over my body making me a confused and blushing mess. "Hey Peaches," He smiles back. Oh god, he's continuing the nickname. This is the most cliche thing that has ever happened to me. "You're always wearing those clothes," he says. He doesn't say this in judgment, more as an observation.

"I like these jeans?" I say as my weak excuse. "I was actually just about to buy my brother some clothes while he's at school, don't want any kids making the same observations you just did," I say laughing lightly.

He looks a bit concerned but quickly falls into step with me. "Do you want some help?" He asks. That's really sweet of him, I appreciate his gesture.

"I don't know," I say while scanning his outfit, "I'm not sure I want to dress him like...that."

He scoffs and I know why. He is dressed perfectly fine. He's got black boots covered by his denim jeans and his torso decorated in a leather jacket. I should really get one of those if I'm going to be riding again. Now that we have been walking for a minute I abruptly walk into the store on our left, leaving Brody to scurry in

This thrift store has a wide selection and I smile at all of my options. I walk to the men/boys section and see a few plain T-shirt's for Gary. I snatch them, only 75 cents each.

I shop like this for a minute with Brody following behind, silently observing my shopping state. I see a button up Hawaiian patterned shirt and hold it up at Brody, "Do you think a twelve year old would like this? I mean it looks practically new and it's only two dollars," I look at the shirt in thought.

"Peaches, even if he did like it, it's a 5x and I don't think your brother has grown to be that large since the last time I saw him at the diner," he chucked.

"Oh." I say putting it back. I feel a leather jacket under my fingertips and pull it out, it's a men's small, but it would fit loosely on my body. The perfect find. I sigh as I read the price tag $8. That's a good price and I'm not getting myself anything else... maybe I could just buy this for me. But $8 could pay for a whole meal at the diner for Gary. I go to put the jacket back on the rack, but Brody's hands stop mine.

I look up at him confused as he holds his hands over mine and the jacket. "You do realize you just had that whole conversation with yourself out loud, right?" Brody asks. Shoot. I shake my head an my cheeks heat up a bit. He grabs the jacket from me along with the rest of the clothing and walks the the front desk.

"Well aren't you two adorable?" An old woman remarks, "you know, it's February, we have a love is in the air discount for couples like you." She smiles warmly.

Not wanting to lie to her I go to speak up and clarify that we aren't a couple, but Brody chirps in, "oh really? That would be great, thank you," He says while kissing my temple.

I widen my eyes slightly at his statement and at the contact his lips made with my skin, but I quickly shake that away. The cashier continues to stare at us in a loving way, "You know, you two remind me of my husband and I. We actually met at the liquor store down the block, it's been there for ages." At this, Brody and I share a look before I break the eye contact and smile at the floor.

"Okay you two, with the discount, your total is $24.75. You saved $8," she said happily. I looked at Brody and I know what he was thinking. That jacket was meant to be mine. I smiled at this, not spending the $8 on a selfish gift for myself after all.


Brody walks me to my apartment after our little shopping spree. I start unlocking the door to my place, "I can't believe I got such nice jeans for Gary for such a low price. They look like they've hardly been worn!" I smile and look at Brody who is still standing in the doorway as I've already walked in and dropped my bags in the kitchen. "You can come in, Brody."

"This is your place?" He asks while stepping into the apartment, gently closing the door behind him. He studies the visible living room and kitchen.

"Yeah, it's just Gary and I so it's not as crowded as it might look," I say suddenly embarrassed of the small space.

Brody walks around me into the kitchen, leaning on the counter, "I like it," he grins and I lift my eyes to meet his before his infectious smile also reaches my lips.

"Thanks. It'll be nicer once we get a few of Gary's paintings in here or something. He's such an artist oh my god. Or maybe a tv, I don't know. I just think it has potential," I shrug gently and he nods along with me.

"Give me a tour, Peaches," he says gently. He isn't mocking me in this sentence, he genuinely seems to want to know more about my life.

Before I can begin the grand tour, Gary walks in, "don't mind my swearing Liv, but I met this girl today and holy shit, she was beautif- you're not Liv," he says pointing at Brody.

Getting to know a little more about Olivia soon:) make sure to vote if you liked this chapter!

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