Chapter Sixteen

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14th November 2009

Isabelle has opened her eyes, finally. The victory is bittersweet. I lost my son, but got back my daughter. Pauline is a mess. She’s lost ten pounds in one week and spends all her days crying.

I’m sitting next to Isa’s bed, running my hands through her hair. It isn’t its usual silky mass; it’s dry and almost papery thin. The hospital door opens silently, and for a moment I dare to hope that Pauline has come back to her senses, until I see the red hair.

She steps in tentatively, and I have to remind myself to breathe. Sophia Kelly in all her glory. I fell in love with her when I was fourteen. But to her I’m sure I’ve always been the gangly kid that sat in the back and never took off his hoodie. The Martin's kid.
I promised myself I’d go to college, make my own money, come back, and marry her. Except halfway into my freshman year she and Gerard Carter decided to tie the knot.
In some ways, I think I married Pauline out of spite. Not that she ever noticed me either way.

She’s holding the hand of a little boy. He has her red hair, and grey eyes. I almost smile. Then Gerard walks in.
‘Mr Martin, I’m deeply sorry for your loss. My family and I never meant any harm. Gerard didn’t see the boy.’
Her voice is the same as I remember it, soft, sweet. Nothing like Pauline’s whiny tones. I might have accepted her apology, might have, if he hadn’t opened his mouth.
‘Stop sugar coating it Soph. Nothing like I didn’t see the boy. He ran into the road, didn’t even look. Somebody should have taught him simple traffic rules.’
There’s a gasp that sounds like Sophia, and her son sucks in a sharp breath.
‘His sister was twenty feet in the air. I don’t think he was worrying about traffic laws.’ I barely keep from growling at him.
‘Then someone should have taught her common sense.’ He refuses to back down.
‘Gerard!’ Her voice is sharp now, reprimanding.

Isabelle is awake, and she’s looking at Sophia’s boy with the first smile I’ve seen on her face since she opened her eyes. He walks to her other side and holds her hand, linking their fingers. ‘Hey Siara. You okay?’
‘No.’ The smile drops and she sobs. ‘He’s gone Terry. He’s gone and he’s not coming back.’
He half climbs into the hospital bed, and then he’s the one stroking her hair. ‘I know Siara. I know. I’m sorry.’
‘You’re not going to tell me it’s okay?’
‘No. Cause I know it’s not.’
She smiles again, a small one, but a smile nonetheless.
‘Let’s go Terence.’ Gerard. Trust him to not want to see my daughter happy.
Isabelle holds onto the sleeve of his shirt and her eyes glisten with fresh tears. ‘Don’t go Terry.’
‘Terence.’ Gerard calls again. Sophia places a hand on his arm. ‘Maybe we should leave him here for a little while.’
He shrugs her hand off. ‘Terence!’
The boy looks conflicted. Then he slowly, carefully pries Isa’s fingers from his shirt and kisses the inside of her palm.
‘Bye Siara. I'll see you later.’
He climbs off the bed and follows his father out the door.
‘Dad.’ Isabelle’s voice is choked up with pain as she turns to me.

I clutch her tight and whisper soothing words in her hair as she cries. Sophia pauses at the door, and when she looks at me, I can see the apology in her eyes even before she says the words. ‘I’m sorry.’
I just nod and watch her go. And as my little girl sobs harder against me, I swear that Gerard Carter will pay. For my Ethan and my Isa. I will watch him burn.

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