Chapter 8: The Roadside Rescue Mission

Start from the beginning

Luckily for him, Eternity really did know how to drive a car. Even better, she knew how to drive a manual car. She didn't even need his guidance at any point, driving down the road as anyone with a lifetime of experience. Her driving was smooth and flawless. It made him curious about her experience with cars.

"I learned a long time ago, when cars were first invented," she answered his curious thoughts. "From there, I kept up with the times, as they say. With each better made car, I learned how to drive it. A    hobby of mine since I don't actually need to know how to drive. I just happen to like all things human. They are ingenious creatures with the marvels they are capable of - and without magic. It's impressive."

"I agree," he replied, looking out the window at the scenery that blew past them. "I've seen the marvels of humanity as they were invented for the past thousand years. They never cease to amaze. To watch humanity progress has been an honor, one positive to a long life."

They fell into a short companionable silence from there. The roar of the engine and the quiet music of the radio were the only sounds for a time.

Then Eternity's lightly laugh filled the cab as she said, "I have a cousin, who also appreciates the human world as I do, except she could never master the operation of human inventions, certainly not a car." She grinned a little at whatever memory was dancing around her head. "It was always quite amusing a sight."

Eternity had Elijah's full attention then, not that she hadn't before. He was always aware of her. It was just that she hadn't mentioned a family member before, that he knew of anyway. Though in all honesty, the woman she had mentioned before, Ceres, could have been a family member for all he knew of Eternity.

"Ceres was my ancestor," she again answered his thoughts. "My great-great-great grandmother to be exact."


"Aye, she died using what has been dubbed the Unicorn Crystal, the ultimate power of the universes," explained Eternity. "It was what she used to split the one universe into two. It takes a lot of energy, life energy to use. No queen that uses its full power once lives to use it a second time, except for myself, that is."

Elijah was taken aback by her words. A power source strong enough to split a universe in two was incredible enough, but to learn that said power source killed it's user in the process, and yet the woman beside him was strong enough to do what her predecessors couldn't was unfathomable. It was damn near unbelievable. He couldn't get his mind around such an idea; of a creature that powerful. It was impossible for an Earth man like him to grasp. Especially since she was extraordinary to be sure, but didn't give off any indication of that kind of power capability. He expected someone of that magnitude to be less...humanlike.

"For me, a prophecy predicted my destiny as the crystal's true master long ago. The crystal is a part of me, imbedded in my heart," Eternity carried on, her hand touching her chest where her heart was. "Though it's true I cannot die from using it's full power, it is still best to use caution when to use it."

"Why is that?"

"I forget myself completely. It's like being rebooted - starting over; a dangerous prospect for the Universal Queen, as much as dying in fact."

"I see. Are you absolutely certain that you are not a goddess? Because it sounding more and more like that to me."

Eternity shook her head and smiled at him quickly, "Still not a god."

"I think you might be in denial," jested Elijah.

She laughed lightly as her attention returned to the road, "No, I think not." Then she looked thoughtfully, "Although, I suppose it's all about perspective. For example, in some worlds, there have been religions created around me because of some great deeds I did for the people of those worlds. This is even amongst immortal ones. I detest it, but I also cannot control people's perspectives - how they see me."

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