The aura flared hot before us and the blackened flesh of his chest cracked up as if pushed. I wanted to go closer but my feet wouldn't move. A little golden beak broke past the char and squeaked.

Suddenly pissed, I shoved Lucifer so hard he stumbled back. "You could have fucking said something!" I screamed as my little white zaps cracked toward him.

His features widened in complete shock.

"Oh, what?" I hissed, shoving him again. "You're not used to people doing something other than kissing your ass? You're a fucking asshole!"

My wrists were snatched out of the air from someone behind me and I was yanked back, then slammed hard against the floor. All the air left my chest in a painful rush.

I struggled against the multiple pairs of hands holding me down. "Get the fuck off me-" Electric arks snapped out of my skin and the hands jerked away. I twisted around as my arks snapped toward the two men jumping away from me.

One man already had a steaming burn across his face. He was huge with broad shoulders that probably wouldn't fit through any of the doors in my house. He could smash my head between his enormous hands with arms thicker than my torso.

The other man was smaller, but still clearly ripped. He'd managed to dodge my protective magic. His eyes moved to my white hair, then he looked up behind me to Lucifer for what to do.

The one I hit spoke. "You've attacked an Angel of the Morning Star and the punishment-"

"There will be no punishment." Lucifer snapped. "Go."

Without a word, both men bowed slightly and vanished. My electricity snapped after them, but only lashed out another foot before it began sinking back into my skin.

"I forget that you have been raised around humans." Lucifer said, back to his chilled tone. "I apologize." He added.

I twisted to look up at him with an expression that told him just how little I believed his bullshit apology.

His shoulders lifted in a sigh. "I did not mean to upset you. Please," He held a hand out for me.

After giving it a good glare, I accepted his hand and let him pull me up. Samuel was still chirping, but he'd managed to free his tiny, featherless body from his previously human looking body. I ignored Lucifer and went to crouch beside both impossible bodies.

Baby Samuel looked up at me with big, black eyes. They shined in the light hanging above us.

"Hey there," I said softly, but didn't reach for him. As far as I knew, he could be super fragile like this. He was clearly a baby again. How long would he be like this? How old was he before?

"He made it to forty-six this time, I believe." Lucifer said as if thinking back. "It'll take his mind a couple weeks to remember and his body a couple months to reach adulthood. You can touch him. He is quite affectionate this young."

I reached out and he nuzzled right into my palm. His little bird feet clawed at my skin as he tried to climb onto my hand. I quickly made it easier and cupped his tiny bird body in my hands. He was so warm for such a little bald thing.

"He's always been very fond of women for the first little while." Lucifer mused as he approached. He pat Samuel's little head once with a careful index finger. "He'd never admit it, but I think his young mind searches for his mother." Even touching him, I could hardly make out his faint thoughts. He liked how soft my hand was and how pretty my voice was. Lucifer's presence annoyed him.

"He's so cute." I cooed as I watched him press the side of his face against my palm.

Lucifer chucked and it sent unease down my spine. The wind picked up again and I brought baby Samuel to my chest to shield him from the cold air. I was very careful to land on my feet as we dropped into a hallway. Lucifer stepped forward, opening a door and revealing a more homely room.

The White Witch *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now