Todoroki Shouto x Reader: Budding Love Pt. 2

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"Shouto, I'm leaving."

Shouto's breaths quickened. The world was spinning, everything was moving too fast, too soon, and he couldn't keep up.

Finally Shouto uttered out hoarsley, "What do you mean, I don't get it, what--"

"Shou, I'm moving away." she managed to choke out.

The words were left hanging in the air.

Shouto grabbed his hair, "Why Y/N, why," the five year old's voice trembled.

"Mommy says we're leaving because of Papa's job," she started slowly, "Shou, I don't want to go. I want to be with you," she grabbed his hands and and quickly stood up.

Shouto remained silent, unsure of what to say. Y/N glanced at him, and slowly moved her hands away.

She couldn't look at him in the eyes.

Slowly, the girl then cupped her hands together and raised them up. Today there was a full moon, and it shone with all its glory. Her hands  basked in the moonlight, as if she were to capture it.

Shouto watched her hands in fascination, seeing the beams of light transform into a single pearl colored petal, that slowly curled up. The petal multiplied, transforming into a small bud, and surely enough, he witnessed the mere petal blossom into a glistening lotus, the tangible form of heaven's light itself.

"I call this lotus, 'The Angel's Kiss'," Y/N smiled softly, "I want you to have it Shou."

Carefully, she handed him the flower. Shouto recieved it gently and he cradled the small flower in his palms. "Won't it, I don't know, " Shouto said hesitantly, "die?"

"No Shou," Y/N smiled, "If I'm alive, this lotus will be too. When you look at it, you'll remember me and you'll know that I'm still here."

She wiped away the tears that had escaped her ducts, "Don't forget me Shou," Y/N held out her pinky, which shaked, "Promise?"

Shouto gave her a sad smile and latched his pinky with hers, "Promise."

Y/N beamed, "Bye, bye Shou," she turned to walk away, but then her feet broke out into a run. She couldn't see his heartbreak, it hurt the girl too much.

Shouto watched Y/N's retreating figure, until she became a small speck and then nothing at all.

The little girl left as soon as she had came.

Shouto's hands shaked, and he carefully tucked the lotus in his shirt pocket. He sprinted his way home, hoping to rid his mind of what had happened, even if it was only for a moment.

He collapsed on his bed and muffled his screams of agony into his pillow.

Why did Y/N have to leave so fast? Why did my friend have to go? I love Y/N. So,why? Why? WHY?

When his throat had become raw, he sniffled and took out the lotus from his pocket. He examined it carefully. It's petals were slightly crumpled at the edges, but it remained intact. Despite the cruelty of the world, fate and destiny, it stood strong.

He softly placed it beside his bed. Maybe he wouldn't ever see his friend again. But he would never forget her, never.


Shouto peered down at the white lotus in his palm.

He had been safely carrying it with him for the past ten years.

He stared at it lovingly, the living memory present in his hands. It would sound strange out of context, but the small flower had gotten him through many difficult times. Many.

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