Todoroki Shouto x Reader: Budding Love

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Shouto grimaced at the sight in front of him. There went his dinner, he thought, staring at the mess on the bathroom floor. Sighing, he grabbed a mop to clean it up.

Throwing up was a daily routine now for the five year old.

Coughing, he clutched at his chest. Each breath was a stab to his lungs. Trudging his way to the sink he washed his face to get rid of the residue of vomit. He looked up too see the mirror, and was repelled at what he saw.

Staring back at him was a kid with a scar across his face. A kid whose back felt as if someone has delivered continuous blows with a hammer. A child whose muscles felt like lead everytime he moved. A kid who was worn out by his father, Endeavor's rigorous training.

He was exhausted. He wanted to breathe outside. Play outside like the other children and his siblings. Shouto needed exodus; he needed to escape.

He formulated the plan in his head. Tonight, he was going to finally sneak out.


The wooden floorboards of the Todoroki household creaked as Shouto tip toed across them. Steady and quietly, he reminded himself. Carefully and calculated the five year old gently stepped across the hallway.

I can't wake anyone up, especially father, he thought to himself

He looked up at the wall. It read 10:30. I only have an hour, he thought. Slowly, he pushed open the door.


He ran as fast the wind. Shouto didn't care where he went. His legs would decide.

Houses and lamposts blurred past him. Finally he saw trail that led to clusters of cherry blossoms, a small river and a playground.

"The park." Shouto mumbled.

This was the park I went to with Mother, before...she left.

He paused to catch his breath, and steadily went across the dirt path leading into the park. The playground was illuminated. But the lampposts, which were dim and flickering could fuse out at any moment. He furrowed is eyebrows in confusion, Where was all that light coming from?

He shrugged it off. I don't have a lot of time to play, he thought. He looked over at the monkey bars. Not an option, he realized after examining his hands. They stung and were decorated with bright purple and red patches. Calluses had formed on his palms due to training so much.

He scanned the playground for another area to play. His eyes were quickly brought to attention to a swing set, "The swings!" he exclaimed.

He sprinted over to the swings, and plopped down on the highest one. He slowly kicked his legs, and went higher and higher. The corner of his lips slowly upturned.

"I wish I could go as high as you!" he heard the voice of a little girl exclaim.

Startled, he flew out of his seat.  Thankfully, he landed on grass. "Ow," he winced, grabbing his scraped knee.

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry--" a little girl appeared in front of him. She lended him a hand to help him up. Shouto looked at her hand with distrust, but with hesitance, finally let her pull him up. Brushing the dirt off his knees, he lifted his head to get a better look at the girl who had taken him by suprise.

She looked around his age. Her hair was in a messy ponytail and was strewn with leaves, petals and twigs. The bestbway to describe it would be  a bird's nest. Her clothes were smeared in mud and muck, as if she had fallen into a pond.

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