The next few weeks leading up to going to Hogwarts were about the same. You had a mental schedule that you had been following to keep yourself in line. 1. Wake up and try to sneak some food. 2. make food for your father. 3. End up getting beaten. 4. cut. 5. sleep.

Today was the day before you had to go to Hogwarts. You had pretty much stayed in your room all day, packing. You didn't have that much to pack, but what you had to pack, you needed. You had hidden your 2 razors in a makeup back, hoping that no one would check there for anything. Your father had been sleeping most of the day, due to him staying up all night with friends. You had a small cut on you cheek from when your father got mad at you for burning the food you had tried to make them.

You sighed and looked at your clock. It was 5 pm. You decided that it would probably be a good idea for you to make dinner so tonight's beating wouldn't be worse than usual.

You walked into the kitchen and started making spaghetti. You didn't bother making any for yourself, because you knew that you wouldn't get to eat it. You served it into a bowl and cautiously walked over to your sleeping father and lightly shook him awake. His eyes shot open, and he kicked you in the stomach.

"What did I say about waking me up, rat?" he said.

"Not to do it..." you mumbled and handed him the bowl. He ripped it out of my hands and started eating it. You took the moment to quietly slip back into your room. You grabbed your 3rd razor and made 10 cuts in between your healing other ones. You loved the pain and stings that came after you drug the blade across your arm. It made you feel less numb inside and distracted you from the bruised your father gave you. You sighed, cleaned up the blood and plopped on your bed.

The next morning you got up around 11:30 to wake your father up to drive you to the train station. You didn't find him in his room, but instead in the car waiting for you. You grabbed your trunk and got in the backseat.

The 20 minute car ride was quiet, until you arrived.

"Get out, and don't bother coming back for the holidays, I don't want to spend my holidays with a freak like you."

You opened the door and made your way to platform 9 and 3/4. You had watched other kids run into the wall so that's exactly what you did.

You ended up on the other side face to face with a train that kids were boarding on. You saw as other parents were hugging their children, goodbye and tearing up. You had to admit, you were a bit jealous. You had never had that in your life. Your mother had died when you were 2, so you never really had a proper childhood.

You tried to ignore the parents as you boarded onto the train and walked into an empty compartment. You tucked your knees to your chest, and closed your eyes. You sat there for about a minute when 3 boys walked in talking.

"So, what house do you think you'll get sorted into?" A boy with jet black hair asked.

"Probably Slytherin, though I want to make my parents annoyed so I'm hoping for Gryffindor." another one said.

"What about you Remus?"

"Hopefully Gryffindor,"

"What do you think you'll be in?" It took you a moment to realize they were talking to you. You had learned about the houses in one of the books you read, and you would probably be a Gryffindor.

"Gryffindor......." you mumbled quietly.

"It seems we have a shy girl on our hands, does the pretty lady have a name?" The man with shoulder-length hair asked.

"Sirius! You're gonna make her feel uncomfortable!" The person who's name seemed to be Remus said.

"What? I just asked her name!" 'Sirius' said.

(Marauders era) Remus Lupin x depressed reader.Where stories live. Discover now