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When I appeared in the forest of Skladmir, the leaves had all fallen from the trees and a bitter cold gnawed at my skin. I as used to the cold in this form, but the chill still stiffened my blackened bones. I sat up, the new pain in my leg more apparent than it had been in the Realm of the Banished. I dumped my claymore and floated up. I couldn't believe that Michelle could hold me and my weapon.

"Fuck, now that I think of it, why in the Beneath didn't I kill Orin right there?" I muttered to myself and dragged myself to the beach and ascended up to the deck. The walking plank thing had been pulled back onto the deck. I knocked on the door and no response came for a while. This time I banged the door and yelled for Barbara. Mr. Burns hastily opened the door and upon seeing me in my Wraith form, rushed me inside. Barbara freaked out a little when she saw me in my Beneathean form and urged me to transform back. I hesitated, telling her that she was probably going to be bathed in blood but she insisted anyway. Good for her, I guessed.

I transformed, and true to my word, the pressure that had kept back the blood formerly only dripping from my leg, poured all over her and I immediately got light headed. It wasn't long before she worked her weird medical magic and I was bound up and ready for the biggest nap in wraith history. She'd advised, with the help of Mr. Burns, that I stayed in my Beneathean form.

Decoda's P.O.V. 

I appeared in an icy clearing about half an hour away from Nathaniel's Cottage.  I knew I should have been colder, but I couldn't do anything about it. My wings had been ripped to shreds and there wasn't as much fat on my body as in my Gaian form. Whatever form this was, it hurt a lot.

Everything was bleak an grey, although I couldn't tell if that was from my new amalgamation of Gaian and Beneathean eyes or just because of the dearth between autumn and winter. I got up and let out a long, painful groan before gritting my teeth and running. I couldn't help but drag my pathetic wings behind me while I headed through the trees.

Soon enough, I'd made it into a more familiar forest. Then I was faced with a strange building. It was made with wooden walls, and a sturdy, stone roof, similar to The Cottage itself. I told myself I would investigate later and headed straight for Herross' manor. Surely either he or Selvan could reverse this. I tried my hardest to get up the hill, only making it to Nathaniel's cottage before Elliott called my name, scooped me off my feet and brought me inside.

"Decoda! What on Gaia happened to you? You look like you've just crawled out of the Dark Realm!" He yelped, pulling me in close.

"Thanks..." I muttered satirically and pushed away from him, "It's amazing to see you. I'm so glad you're ok, my Lethallin." I told him. He pressed his forehead against mine. I noticed that his hair had grown. It was just past shoulder length... Perfect for a little braid, I thought.

"I love you too, my dearest Sun." He whispered and picked me up. Had he gotten stronger too?

"I need to get to Herross' Manor." I told him and soon enough, I had been carried to the door and even carried inside when a slightly confused and panicked Herross answered the door. Suddenly we appeared in a lovely room that was far less immaculate and decorated than I thought it would be. Elliott set me down into the bed and the room started to spin. I grabbed onto Elliott's arm and he grunted. Only then did I realise that I couldn't dismiss my claws. Hadn't Alex done something similar? There was a short exchange between Herross and Elliott before he kissed my forehead and left me alone with the God.

"Decoda.. I will need to run a series of magical tests. But... I think it is first a reasonable request to ask how your mission in The Realm of The Banished went." He said softly. I explained what had happened in more detail than I meant to. Herross seemed to perk up a bit, but not out of excitement. His eyes began yo glow as I stuttered.

When I went on to explain what happened to Alex, his eyes widened just as they darkened.

He shot up, barged towards the exit and leaned out the door.

"TAVIUS!" His deep yell bellowed through the halls of the manor. Both his sons appeared before the door. He reached a hand out to both of them and after he touched their foreheads, they both gained a look of deep concern before disappearing. Drevel looked to be on the edge of tears. He disappeared after his younger brother. Herross stood there for a few moments, unsure and fidgeting. He slowly took his place in a comfortable looking armchair next to the bed.

"My... My deepest apologies, young Decoda... Please Continue." There was a shake in his voice and when I looked into his eyes, they were as dark a grey as the blotches on my new skin.

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