The drive back to Yale is quiet. The radio is turned down low. Campus is empty when we make our way to my dorm room. Jane isn’t in the dorm when we enter. I see a letter resting on the counter. Picking it up with my left hand, I skim the letter. It says that she will be back sometime in the next week. Her parents wanted her to come home to process what had happened last night. As far as Jeremy goes, the meeting with the president of Yale this morning didn’t go so well. He was expelled from Yale University effective Monday morning. I let out a sigh of relief. Mom and Dad let me wash up before my meeting with the president.

Walking to the President’s office, I let myself worry a little bit. I wonder what happened to Luke. He was more involved in this than anyone. The secretary lead us through a wide set of double doors. The president is an older gentleman with pepper gray hair. He turns around and that’s when I recognize who the man is. It is Jerry from the decoration store the other day. Our eyes meet as I sit down in the chair across from him. Surprisingly he gives me a warm smile. Then he starts to chuckle.

“Hello young lady, it is so nice to see you again. Of course I wish this was under different circumstances, but I am sure this will be pleasant for your parents and yourself.”

My parents both look at me with curious eyes. They smile at Jerry.

“You’re President Hill of Yale University?” I ask with wide eyes.

“Remember when I told you my job was just as demanding as Congress? I guess I may have left this part out of the conversation. I didn’t want to bore you and that nice young man.”

“Oh.” I don’t know what else to say.

“Anyway,” he gestures for my parents to take a seat in the corner, “I could say that I was disappointed in you Ms. Hale, but that would make me a liar. And I am no liar. What happened last night was a fluke. I knew that Luke and Jeremy were up to no good all along. It was only a matter of time before I could finally catch them. From what I figure, you merely were trying to protect Mr. Lewis. You had a duty to fulfill and you fulfilled it. I am not going to say that you could have handled it differently. No, what you did was what any great spy would do. I am proud of you, as is President Lewis.”

“Wait, how did you know that I was a spy?” I ask, glancing back at Mom and Dad.

“Honey, it was no surprise to me when President Lewis told me what you were. The day we met in the store, I saw how stiff you were around me. You didn’t trust me so close to Mr. Lewis. I was in the Congress; I know how spies act around others.”

“Wow,” I breathe out.

“So, I am not going to expel you since you were working for the President of this country. How could I? But I want you to be on your best behavior the rest of your years here at Yale University. It was nice seeing you, Ms. Hale.”

“Thank you so much Mr. Hill. I won’t let you down.”

We shake hands and then it’s all over. Luke and Jeremy got the karma they deserved. Now Sterling deserved the truth from me. He needed to know that I was still his spy while starting college. He may not take it too well after what just happened.

Mr. Hill walks us into the lobby of the building. “How was your granddaughters Halloween party?” I ask remembering why he was at the party store the other day.

“Much better than yours,” he laughs and pats my shoulder before leaving us for his office. Mom and Dad look at one another in shock. I am sure they weren’t expecting the President of Yale to joke with me about the whole situation. Behind the shock, I could see the relief they held.

“That was interesting to say the least,” my dad says.

“Mr. Hill was at the party store the other day. Sterling helped him reach something off of the top shelf. He mentioned that he was once part of the Congress. What I didn’t know was that he was the President here. Amazing how blesses we are that he is.”

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