Chapter 2

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"It's lunchtime!" Louis cheered, practically slamming his red lunch tray on the table. Clementine sighed and shook her head.

"Does everything make you happy?"

"Yes. Well no. But most things." Louis smiled sweetly and sat down across from his new friend.

Clementine threw her apple up in the air and caught it, taking a huge bite out of it. The sweet taste filled her mouth as she closed her eyes to take in the flavour.

"Apples huh?" Louis commented with a mouth full of pasta salad. "I thought you'd be eating nails and bolts for lunch."

Clementine rolled her eyes and continued to chow down on the apple.

"Hey. Is there enough room for three?" Violet asked, smiling sweetly. Next to Violet stood Minerva and Sarah. Louis hummed in response.

The three girls sat down and Clementine began to feel uncomfortable. She wasn't used to hanging out with a large group of people.

"Why don't we play a card game to ease the tension?" Louis suggested, grabbing a deck of cards out of his bag.

"Sure. What do we do?" Sarah asked in response, sticking a fork into her pie.

"Everyone needs to draw a card from the deck. Highest card gets to ask Clementine a question."

"Why me?" Clementine raised an eyebrow.

"You're new here and we're all dying to get to know you." Louis smiled. "If you draw the highest card you can ask any of us a question."

"I'm in!" Marlon came out of nowhere and sat down next to Louis.

"Alright let's do this. Everyone draw!"

Everyone took a card from the deck and revealed their cards to eachother. The highest card belonged to Sarah.

"Why do you always look so scary?" Sarah asked. Clementine shot her a deadly glare and pursed her lips.

"Sarah. That was rude." Violet groaned. Sarah frowned and took a bite out of her food.

"Alright. Erm. Let's go again!"

Once again, the deck of cards reduced as everyone grabbed one. The highest card belonged to Marlon.

Marlon turned to Clementine and smiled. "Where did you get your hat?"

"My dad gave it to me a couple years back. Feels like forever though." Clementine frowned.

"It suits you." Louis soothed.

Everyone grabbed a card. Clementine got the highest.

"Okay. Um Louis?" Clementine asked hesitantly.

"Yes my dear?" Louis replied. Everyone chuckled quietly.

"Are you secretly Jayden Smith?"

Everyone burst into a fit of laughter. Louis began banging his fist at the table.

"Oh my God! You have a sense of humour!" Louis yelled in amusement.

"I wasn't joking." Clementine awkwardly shifted in her seat.

As the laughter died down, the last few cards were taken by the teenagers. Minerva scored the highest.

Minerva smirked evily and looked Clementine dead in the eye. "Are your parents the Marsh's? That family that died in that house fire?"

The entire table went silent as the colour drained from Clementine's face. People began exchanging fearful looks and Clementine stood up abruptly.

"If you talk about this again, I'll make sure you shut your mouth for good." Clementine spat before storming off.

"Clem! Wait!" Louis stood up. Minerva tugged on his coat.

"Louis let it go-"

"Fuck you Minerva!" Louis shouted, loosening Minerva's grip on his coat. "Don't speak to me."

Louis ran off leaving the table angry at Minerva.

New Love: TWDG [CLOUIS HIGHSCHOOL AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora