* * * *

People were congratulating me and I was smiling and nodding. I noticed the hooded boy staring at me, and chills ran down my spine. That's when I realized he'd been following me for weeks.

"Um, excuse me," I said to the person I was talking to. My face was pale and I was shaky.

I left the courtroom and starting walking through random hallways, trying to get away. The sound of my heels echoed against the floor, so I took them off and carried them. I looked behind me briefly and saw him following me at a distance. I panicked and started running, looking for somewhere to escape. I notice a vent and pried its covering off as quickly as I could. I crouched down into it and start navigating randomly, trying to lose him. I could hear him somewhere behind me, so I tried to be quieter and faster.

I pulled out my phone as I crawled and dialed 999.

"What's your emergency?" I held the phone up to my ear.

"Hi, someone's been following me for a month and now he's chasing me," I whispered.

"Alright. What is your location?" she replied. I informed her of the address I was at and told her I was in the vents.

My whispering was doing nothing to keep the boy away from me, so I put the phone on speaker.

"Okay. We will have someone at your location in a few minutes."

"No, no, no. You don't understand! I can't wait that long," I yelled at her. I was panicking.

"Yes, ma'am I understand that. I assure you help is on the way." Her calm voice irritated me.

"NO! Why won't you help me?! I need help now, he's coming now!" I paused to listen for the sounds of metal moving to gauge how close he was to me.

"Ma'am please remain calm. Help will arrive shortly. In the meantime, I ask that you please be pat-" It was too late. My phone clattered loudly against the vent, and I was being dragged away by my feet.

"STOP!!" I screamed at the boy. He dragged me all the way out of the vents as I kicked and screamed. I was sobbing, not wanting to be murdered or kidnapped. I saw that he was holding some sort of weapon, but I couldn't tell what. Once we were out of the vent, he grabbed me aggressively by the waist and starting dragging me somewhere.

"Please don't," I whined, but to no avail. Soon, I heard the sounds of police sirens and saw flashing red and blue lights. He dropped me and ran, not wanting to get caught. I turned around and didn't see him anywhere.

Three police officers soon approached me.

"Victim located, only appears to have minor bruising. No suspect in sight," one cop spoke into his walkie. The female cop helped me up.

"Are you alright? Can you stand?" she asked, examining my face. I nodded and they took me to their cop car.

"I'm sorry that you have to sit behind the cage. We're just going to get a statement from you at the station and you'll be off," one of the cops explained. I nodded and sat silently in the car.

* * * *

"I've seen him the past few weeks. I assumed we just had the same schedule because it's not exactly the most abnormal one. He was at my mock trial today, and that's when I realized he's been following me. I left the courtroom to get away from him, but that was a bad idea. He chased me into the vents and dragged me out. He ran when he heard you guys," I briefly explained.

"And what did he look like?"

"I don't know. I couldn't see his face or hair because he was wearing a large hood and the halls are dark. It was a black hoodie and if I had to guess, I'd say he was about 5'10. That's all I can really tell you about him. He didn't speak, so I don't know what he sounds like."

"Thank you. We're sorry that happened."

"I'm going back to America today anyway."

"Okay. Just be careful. Make sure he doesn't follow you on the plane since we don't know where he is."

I nodded, then left, heading back to the hotel to pack up my things.

The Creature (Eyeless Jack X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora