"Do you want coffee or hot chocolate or juice? I'm not sure so I haven't prepared it."

"A coffee will be nice, P'Ae."

"Okay, eat up so you could take this medicine. It help soothe your hangover. I'll get your coffee."

Pete was still looking at the breakfast, trying to remember what happened last night but the memories were blurry. He decided to eat since his stomach was aching too. He knew he threw up. It always happens when he drank so much alcohol. Pete was enjoying the pancakes, french toasts, bacons and eggs that his P'Ae prepared for him. Ae came back with two mugs of coffee, he placed one on the food tray and the other on the side table and sat by couch.

Pete was wondering why his P'Ae was not saying anything.

"Is he angry at me because I was drunk? Did I do something last night that I shouldn't have."

Pete was eating however worry was evident on his beautiful face. The silence between them was eating him alive. He decided to apologize and ask.

"P'Ae, are you angry at me? I'm sorry if I drank too much last night. I'm sorry if I did something I shouldn't have done."

Pete bowed down while eating. Ae smiled and sat by his angel on the bed.

"I'm not angry because you got drunk. Though I almost got crazy because that Mint girl was trying to kiss you when I arrived."

Pete looked at Ae wide-eyed. Ae smiled and continued.

"I don't know what to say earlier because you were the one who said to leave you alone."

"I said that?" Pete almost choked on the toast.

"Yes you did. You were so angry at me for not helping you shower."


Pete blushed so hard. Now that he was fed, he could remember bit and pieces of what happened last night and it made him really shy. He covered his face with the duvet. Ae can't help but chuckle.

"Aish, my adorable angel. Finish you breakfast first and drink this medicine."

Ae pulled down the duvet and smiled to Pete. Pete quietly nodded and started to eat again until he finished everything. Ae smiled and took the food tray. He came back with a glass of water for the medicine. Pete was seated comfortably on the bed but still blushing. Ae sat beside him and caged him in a tight embrace.

"Pete, I'm sorry for making you cry."

"No, P'Ae. I'm sorry for being so shameless last night. But I really miss you so much."

"I missed you too, my adorable angel. I'm sorry if you felt I rejected you, I just don't want us to do anything we will regret..."

Ae was cut off by a kiss from Pete. It was short but full of love. Ae was caught in surprise. When Pete let go of his lips, his hands held both of Ae's cheeks.

"P'Ae, I'm sober now and I understand. But will you accept it now if I say I love you so much?"

Ae was looking at Pete, his eyes were glistening. His emotions were running in circles, he can't barely breathe. He can't believed what he heard. He needed to ask again.

"Pete, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I love you, P'Ae. Would you be Pete's boyfriend?"

Pete looked directly to Ae's eyes while asking him. He wanted everything official with them. He wanted his P'Ae to be his, his alone. He was smiling while waiting for his P'Ae's response.

Ae embraced Pete so tight. He was so happy that finally Pete agreed to be his boyfriend. He felt a kind of happiness he had never felt in his entire life.

"Pete, I love you! And I want nothing more than to be your boyfriend. But are you sure with this? I'm not letting you take back what you said."

"Why would I take it back?"

Pete chuckled while returning his embrace.

"I don't know. I just can't believe that you love me too."

"You're crazy, P'Ae."

"Yeah, so crazy for you, my adorable angel."

Pete giggled.

"But P'Ae. Let me apologize now for this. I can't still make our relationship public due to my career."

Pete eyes were suddenly full of worries.

"I knew about that since day one, Pete. I also knew that things will be difficult but I don't need the public to know. Of course our trusted friends and families are out of the question, they will be happy for us. But for your career, I certainly know how it should be. What's important for me is that you love me and I love you. That you belong to me and no one else. That alone is enough for me."

"Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for loving someone as broken me, P'Ae."

"We are broken at some point in our lives, Pete. I was hollow until you came into my life and fill that void. I feel so lucky to have met you and luckier now that I have you."

Pete was not able to stop the tears from flowing. He hugged his boyfriend so tight and he let him sobbed on his shoulders.

"You are crying again, you look like a mess when you do."

Ae teased Pete which earned him a soft punch at the back.

"Thank you for making me happy, Pete. I promise to love you with all my heart until forever, until infinity."

"I love you too, P'Ae."

Ae released himself from Pete's embraced to kiss him. Pete's hugged his neck as he kiss back. They shared their first kiss as boyfriends, full of love and passion. It was warm and deep, letting themselves drown at the happiness and love they feel for each other. Their tongues searched for each other as if trying to get acquainted. No one was dominating the kiss, they were letting each other access and discover each other mouths. The room was filled with their moans until they have to break from each other to catch their breaths.

Ae settled himself on the bed, letting Pete lie down on his chest.

"Do you think Noh will accept me as your boyfriend, Pete?"

"P'Ae, he literally thinks you are too good for me."

Pete rolled his eyes and Ae chuckled.

"How about your family, P'Ae? Do you think they will be alright about us?"

"They already knew I love you. And they love you too. They are your family now, Pete. They will definitely kill me if I hurt you."

Pete smiled. His life turned for the best, meeting this guy who has him into his arms.

"Does your head still ache?"

"Yes it does, P'Ae."

"It's still early. We could still sleep. Noh told me you made sure that don't have work over the weekend. Will you stay here with me until Sunday?"

"Ofcourse, I would love to spend my weekend with my boyfriend. But I want to sleep for now, this hangover is killing me. Please hold me like this, until I fall asleep. By the way where did you sleep last night?"

"On the couch."

"And why is that?"

"Because you told me to leave you alone."


Ae was laughing as he received another slap on his chest. His life will be full of this kind of happiness from now on. This time he will not let anything or anyone take his beloved adorable angel from him.


They are officially a couple. (๑♡∀♡๑)

I hope you like this update. I'm dying now. (' ▽`).。o♡

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