Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

I walk to my lunch table, sit down, and put my head down.

Zora: Uh hey babes

Me:*muffled* hey

Zora: How are you feeling? 

I sit up and take a deep breath

Me: No I feel like shit... I just want Asher.

Zora: I know it's hard for you to be away from Asher, but you gotta do what you gotta do to graduate girl. Remember your doing this for you AND Asher. You will see him with you go home babe. You got this, I know this month has been really hard for you. Having your only source of happiness leave you, leaving your baby and go to school. I know it must be hard but you will get through this. Your a strong girl, I KNOW you can do this. Do it for Asher.

I launch at her and hugged her to death. Zora ALWAYS knows what to say to me to make me feel better. Lately she and Asher have only been my source of happiness. I wake up everyday knowing that I have my little angel, my best friend, and family loving me. It's the best feeling ever, in fact it's amazing.

Me: *muffled* I love you so much

Zora: I love you more*laughing*

The bell rings and everyone started getting up from their seats.

Zora: It's your last class and you'll be on your ay home to baby Asher. I'm sue your dad and step mom have been taking good care of hm.

Me: Yeah I'm sure they have been. I'm surprised that my dad and Bianca took leave to be with Asher. I'm really grateful for them. Even though my father can be an asshole. He isn't a bad dad. 

Zora: You right *laughing* well I'm going to go on to class. I'll come over and spend the night tonight okay?

Me: Okay see you later me and Asher will be waiting!

Zora: Bye love


Home Anais POV 5:54

I'm sitting on my bed playing with Asher and I look to my side out the window. It's so pretty outside... I just want to go out just because. I put Asher on some different clothes,packed his diaper bag, and walked downstairs.

 I lay him on the couch next to my dad who was doing some business work. I go to the small closet and take out his stroller. I set it up, got the car seat and locked it in and I grabbed Asher. As soon as he was locked in I made my way outside.

I walk to the sidewalk and turned left. I didn't know where I was going but I continued to walk.  In my vision up ahead I see a park, I continue to walk until I got there. I sit down on a bench and pull Asher's stroller in between my legs.

I see this couple by the swings. They looked like they were having the time of there lives. They walk away from the swings coming in my direction.  But seconds later the man walks away and it looks like he was taking a call. The women continues to walk in my direction and she sits on the bench next to me.

Random Woman: It's a nice day isn't

Me: Yeah your right about that

Random Woman: And you decided to enjoy with your little one! How sweet!!

Me: Yeahhh I thought it was pretty out so I took little Asher out for-

Random Man: Anais?

I turn from looking at Asher only to connect eyes with...August

All the hurt that August caused me, that I pushed away. It all came rushing back to me. I went on with life and finally had gotten him out of my system. And here he is...

Random Woman: Hey babe you two know each other?

August: Uh something like that Maya

I looked down and I see her belly. She's pregnant, good and pregnant.. I looked up at August with so much hatred. He had a whole girlfriend and she's pregnant...I couldn't stand to look at them any longer so I excused myself.

Me: It was nice talking to you Maya, I should be going now. Congrats to both of you on the baby*looking at August*

August: Anais-


I walk away from them and I felt sad but relieved. The whole event was getting awkward by the second. Shit just keeps getting  worse. I guess I really am doing this parenting shit on my own foreal foreal now. I make it home and take Asher upstairs with me. I changed his clothes and mine, I fed him and he knocked out. As soon as he was asleep, I turned my lamp off, rolled over, and fell asleep.

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