Chapter 17: What Would I Do Without You

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Meanwhile with the other trio. "What the heck his Jason doing?" Hank asked.

"Wait is it... Guys it's our friends look!" Exclaimed Donna. Dawn's eyes widened when she saw her ex boyfriend stand up. "oh no" She murmured.

They then saw Jason push Richard and they heard the boy with green eyes yell "Why would she be there? Oh let me guess hum... to f*** with him" making them gasp in shock.

"What the hell? Why would Jason ever say something like that 'bout Rach?" Hall glared at the boy with anger and disappointment in his brown eyes.

Dick growled and he brought Jay inside the school and into a room filled with brooms and all sort of things. Dick turned on the lights. "You know this isn't true so why are you saying things like l-like...THAT? Rach is your friend... I thought you cared about her"

The young dealer sighed in defeat. "I do care for her, but she did slept with him!" Grayson rolled his piercing blue eyes at the boy.

"She didn't! You wanna know why she's always at his house?" Todd growled and gave him a small nod. "Well it's because HE was there when YOU weren't! Gar defended her and she stays at his house because she doesn't even feel in security at the Manor anymore since she knows that Adam knows where she normally goes after his attacks... And she isn't at school right now 'cause she's terrified... If you wouldn't've ignored her yesterday, you would know that Adam touched her" The teenager's green eyes widened.

"Wait... Adonis touched her?!?"

He sadly nodded and took a deep breath. "Since you wouldn't respond her texts and calls, she texted me and when I got to her locker... she was crying her heart out... Jesus Christ, SHE NEEDED YOU JASON!" The teen felt extremely guiltily, he wished that he could go back in time to comfort his friend, but he couldn't. All he could do was stare at the ground with guilt. "I'm sorry Dick, but... I-I just-"

Todd was interrupted by his friend. "Why does that rumors thing even matter to you anyway? I mean, it's not like Rach was your girlfriend or y-your crush" Silence filled the small room and the blue eyes widened in shock. "Tell me that you don't have a crush on her"

Jay sighed in annoyance as he rolled his eyes. "Okay well, I don't have a crush on her" Dick gave him an annoying look. "What? Just doin' what you asked me" He slapped his own face with his hand.

He groaned. "Why do you have to be this dumb?"

Jason crossed his arms, grinning at the Richard. "I'm not dumb, I just like to mess with you-Wait no, I love to mess with ya. Anyway, even if I would've want to I wouldn't've been able to answer Rae's calls and texts"


"Let's say I got some visitors" Dick frowned.

In the outside part of the cafeteria. Their three old friends were sitting in front of them, eating their food. "So..." Bruce's son started. "When did you guys arrived?"

"Yesterday" Troy answered.

"How was it in Gotham?" Vic asked them.

Dawn sighed in annoyance and Hank answered. "Boring! Let's change the subject-" Donna interrupted him.

"Who's Garfield?"

"Gar? Oh you heard about the rumors already, didn't ya? Just know that these are just rumors, Gar and Rach didn't slept together" Vic said.

Dick continued. "Garfield's our new friend and don't worry, I'm sure that you'll get along"

After Lunch time, Jason Todd decided to go pay a visit to Rachel.

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