Chapter 2: A Whole New Life

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—In Garfield's House—

Tuesday September 11, 2018
Garfield woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon on the stove. He took a shower, brushed his tooth, got change and ran downstairs. He walked to the kitchen and sat at the table, ready to eat the breakfast Rita had done.

Rita gave him his tofu eggs and bacon and Garfield ate it faster than the Flash himself could have. He took his school bag and an apple before saying "Bye Steve, bye Rita".

"Bye kiddo" Steve responded without taking his eyes out of his journal.

"Bye my lil Garfield" Rita hugged Gar. "Good luck and have a good day". She released him from her hug and he walked out of his new house.

—In The Roth Manor—

Rachel woke up by the sound of her alarm clock. She took a shower and changed into her usual black ripped jeans, her purple hoodie, her black t-shirt with Azarath Metrion Zinthos written on the front and her black combat boots.

She did her meditation like she did every other day and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Her father was in the living room reading a book named The Deal about a drug dealer and a murder. 'Wonder if it's the story of his life... it's pretty similar to his' she thought.

She ate cereals and was getting out of the manor until her father stopped her. "Don't be late" He told his unique daughter.

He took the pack of cigarettes in her pocket and told her "And stop taking this shit". After saying this, he sent the pack of cigarettes to the other side of the room.

"HEY" Rach yelled at her father.

"Don't you dare talk to your f****** dealer friend again, Rachel" Tritan yelled at her.

"You can't tell me what I can and cannot do"

"Yes I can... I'm your father and you have to listen to me" He replied with a bit of anger in his voice.

Rachel looked at him right in the eyes and said "You're nothing like a father". Tristan gave her a death glare. "Rachel, you little plague" he yelled.

He grabbed her arm tightly and whispered into her ear "NEVER say that again".

"Let go of me" Rachel struggled to get out of his grip, but no avail.

"Not until you promise me that you'll never talk to one of my dealers again" He paused and looked right into her eyes, trying to see through her soul. "And especially this one"

"I Promise" His daughter said scowling. He left and Rachel got out of the Roth manor and ran do the bus station.

—In J.C.H—

Rachel was standing in front of the stairs outside. She was listening to Human by Maggie Lindemann on her IPhone. She felt calm and relaxed until she heard a girly voice call her "Rachel". She closed her phone and put it in her pocket.

She looked to the direction of the voice and saw Kory Anders running to her. "What? AGAIN" Rachel asked the cheerleader.

"Our school projects, I can't do it alone, I need you Rachel" She begged Rachel. The young 15 years old, Rachel Roth, looked at her, in her green eyes and eventually said "You'll have to do it alone red head" and walked away.

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