Chapter 17: What Would I Do Without You

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A/N: Thanks to P1NK_PHR0ST and JoeCaggiano for the support❣️

—In Garfield's House—

Wednesday September 19, 2018
Before leaving to work, Rita and Steve were going to wake up Garfield, but when they entered in his bedroom, the boy was holding Rachel. The girl was in his arms, smiling and snuggling. A "Awww" got out of Rita's mouth at the sight in front of her. "They're so cute"

The woman was smiling brightly while her husband had a blank face. "C'mon" He said with obvious annoyance in his voice. His wife rolled her eyes and they walked out of the room.

2 hours later, Gar and Rae woke up. After a minute or two, they finally looked at each other and they, of course, gasped before pulling away. The two teenagers stared at the other. Roth panted, catching her breath because of the shock she had when she saw her friend. Garfield was the first one to speak. "S-Sorry"

Rachel shook her head. "It's okay, I was just shocked ya know" Gar chuckled awkwardly as he nodded. He stood up to leave so she quickly sat up. "Where're you going?" He gave her a confused look before huffing.

"Downstairs" The boy opened the door.

"WAIT" He turned around. "D-Do you think I-I could s-stay here today? I-I don't wanna see A-Adam, am s-scared" Garfield sat next to the teenager. He caressed her cheek.

"Of course, I'll even stay with you" The boy and girl grinned happily and in relief.

Surprisingly, Rae jumped in his arms and hugged him. "Thanks Gar" The boy slowly wrapped his arms around her body, he held her against him with a big smile plastered on his face.

30 minutes later, the two teenagers were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching The Good Place on Netflix. Halfway through the first episode, a phone started ringing, it was Rachel's one. She picked up and looked at the name, Dick. "I'm just going to pick this up" Garfield nodded and paused the episode.

"I'll wait" She gave him a small smile and answered the phone when she was in the kitchen.


A voice was heard on the other side of the line. "Hey Rach, are you okay?" Garfield stood next to the kitchen.

She sighed. "Yeah... I'm staying at Gar's today. I really don't feel like being in the same space as the guy who raped me" Her last sentence was like a murmur, but Dick still heard her. Fortunately for her, Logan hadn't heard what she said about the rapist.

Silence filled the room until Richard finally spoke again. "Okay... then I suppose I'll see you later then" Rae hummed and she hang up after saying "bye" as her voice broke when she thought of Adam.

The blond boy showed himself to the young teen. "Hey" She gasped and quickly looked at him. "Are you okay?" Rach started nodding, but she stopped and shook her head, staring at the wooden floor. "It was Dick?" She hummed in response. He placed his hand on her right shoulder. She looked at his emerald eyes again. Roth started to cry softly as he hugged her.


An hour later in Jump City High, Dick, Vic and Kory were sitting at their lunch table when Jason arrived, his three other friends still waiting in the line to get their food. Jason looked around. "Where's Rach?" Richard glanced at Kory and stood up as he sighed in defeat.

"Well if you wouldn't've been ignoring all her texts and calls, you would know that she's at Garfield's"

His jealousy got the best of him and he pushed Grayson, who practically fell on Victor, the food and the table. "Why would she be there? Oh let me guess hum... to f*** with him" Everyone, except Todd, gasped. All the students were staring at them and talking to each others.

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