Chapter 19

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*Austins POV*

Rounding the corner I look up towards the house and frown, only my truck sits there. Darryl should have been home by now, but his car wasn't here. I shook my head, maybe they had a fire and he had to stay late. I'd text him after I finished checking the fences. I drove the quad down the fence line checking to make sure the fences were fine.

Parking the quad in the drive shed I glance over at the Camaro. We should take it for a drive, go to dinner or something. Climbing off I walk up to the house before walking in the door I pull my phone out of my breast pocket. I was just about to text Darryl when I spot his shoes.

Frowning I put my phone back in my pocket, I hear the water to the shower turn on. He's home but where is his car? I shook my head and walked into the going to make another pot of coffee. Moving through my small home I plop down into my chair and allow my eyes to close for a moment.

The creak of the floorboards caused me to open my eyes, perhaps I had drifted off for a moment or a few. I stood up quietly and headed towards the hallway to the bedroom and bathroom. Stepping into the bedroom Darryl looks up at me and gives a half hearted smile as he pulled a shirt on, jeans already on. Something was going on. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked him gently.

He turned his gaze away from me and moved to sit on the bed, "someone spray painted my car." He said quietly.

"What?" I questioned before shaking my head.

He nodded, "Yeah someone spray painted my car early this morning. Simon had it towed to his brothers shop to see if he could get the paint off. I called him once I was home, it doesn't look promising." He said quietly.

"What did they spray paint onto it?"

This time he looked at me, his green eyes watery, causing anger to burn deep within my stomach. "Mostly poorly drawn penis'..." he looked away from me as he took in a shaky breath, "Fag, faggot, among some other things." He whispered out.

I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath, I needed to be calm for him, even though I was beyond angry. I opened my eyes and moved to sit beside him on the bed. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and rubbed his arm gently. "I'm sorry Darryl." I said softly. "Any ideas on who did it?"

He leaned into me and shook his head, "the footage from the security camera doesn't show much."

"What did it show?" I asked softly.

"Some woman in a hoodie, she went out of camera view after it was done." He said quietly.

"A woman?" I asked before shaking my head, at least it wasn't any of the guys he worked with.

"Yeah," He said with a quiet sigh. "I don't know how I'm going to go get to work on Thursday."

I looked down at him, "Well you could just drive the Camaro." I said softly.

"Really?" He asked looking up at me, a small smile pulling at his lips. He quickly frowned though, "what if they do it to it too?"

I was about to smile when he started to frown, "if they spray paint the Camaro too that means they're stalking you. They won't know what other vehicle you drive there. I mean obviously they semi know you if they spray painted the Caviler. But whose going to know you still have access to your old Camaro?" I explained gently.

He's face went thoughtful as her calculated that over. After a few moments of silence I spoke again, "At least take it to work Thursday and we'll go from there." I told him softly. "We'll see if they can fix the Caviler and if they can't we'll have to look at a new vehicle." I told him gently. "And besides you hate the Caviler, you should just sell it and drive the Camaro until you find something else for a daily drive."

"Yeah I guess I can take it for a few shifts while I look for something else." He mumbled quietly.

He still wasn't sold on the idea. I let out a soft breath, "well I could always drive you to work Thursday if you'd rather" I offered gently, I had to go pick up some things anyways.

"Well I could always see if one of the guys will pick me up" he said with a shrug as he pulled away from me.

"Could do that too. You have a few days to figure out what you want to do" I told him softly.

"True" he agreed quietly. "I ugh think I'm going to lay down for a bit."

"Oh okay" I said softly, "do you want me to join you?"

He shook his head, "No I just kind of want to be alone."

I held back a frown but nodded, "okay well you know where I am if you need me." I told him gently before I headed back to the kitchen. We were so going out tonight for dinner and a drive. And we were going to figure out who the hell spray painted his car. 

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