Chapter 14

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*Austins POV*

Dinner was in the slow cooker, chores were done for the day, just had to feed tonight after supper. Laundry was out on the line, I probably really should go out and bring it in and fold it but I really didn't feel like it right now. Darryl and I could do it tonight. Ha, doubtful, I really should go get it and do it now. I sighed and lifted myself out of the kitchen chair. I walked outside onto the deck over to the clothes line and started to wheel it in and take the clothes off the line and folding them as I set them in the basket. Soon all the clothes were off the line and folded and in a neat pile in the basket. Carrying the basket into the house I headed to the bedroom easily to put them away. It was done quickly and I took the basket back to the laundry room and left it there before carrying on to the kitchen to start pealing potatoes to go with the roast that was cooking. Do I still have any potatoes? I think we used them all.

Pulling the fridge door open I bent down and pulled the crisper drawers the potatoes were kept in. Empty. Awesome. I straightened and used my foot to shut the drawer then closed the door. Looks like I have to go into town and get some potatoes, now is there anything else we need? I went through the house figuring out what we needed before I grabbed the notepad from the desk and scribbled down a quick note for Dar in case he was home before I got back from the store.

Hey Dar, just ran to the store to get some things, we ran out of potatoes and yeah. Roast is in the slow cooker, I turned it down so you might want to check it and turn it up when you get home. xoxo ~Austin.

I left it on the table and flicked the slow cooker down to low so I knew it'd be fine until one of us got home. I slipped my boots on and snatched my keys before I walked out to the truck getting in and starting it easily before driving down the driveway.

* * * * * *

Pushing the cart down the aisle I study the items in the cart, toothpaste, mouthwash, lube, potatoes, strawberries, whip cream, yogurt, bread and milk. Yep I have everything we need.

My cart collided with another cart, I immediately started to apologize, "I'm so sorry," I said gently as I looked up. I froze and swallowed, it was Kali.

Her blue eyes glared at me, "You," she hissed. She looked over my cart, "Really?" she questioned. I glanced down at my cart before at her, and shrugged. "What kind of a night do you have planned with my husband? Whip cream, strawberries, and lube?" she questioned.

I stared at her for a moment before I got what she was getting at, and threw my head back with a laugh. "I'm making parfaits for dessert tonight as I'm having some friends over."

Her blue eyes rolled, "I'm not stupid. I know what one buys those things for." She stated.

I couldn't help but to laugh again, her husband had only been cheating on her with me for how long before she found out, eight months? Maybe longer, I don't remember. "I beg to differ that you aren't stupid." I stated before pushing my cart around hers towards a checkout so I could leave.

"This isn't over!" She called after me, I just shook my head and started putting my stuff up on the counter. I paid easily and took my bags out to my truck tossing them in the bed easily.

    *    *    *   *    *    *   *

Pulling into the driveway of the farm I can see Darryl's blue Cavalier parked up by the house. He really should sell that car and buy one in a different colour. Or at least pay for a different paint job that didn't involve blue. Shifting into park I turned the key off and just left it in the ignition. I climbed out easily and grabbed the bags from the bed of the truck before heading into my house. Going right to the kitchen I smiled as I spotted Dar sitting at the table. "You know Darryl, we should either sell your car or get it painted a different colour." I informed him of my idea before I moved to check the roast. He had turned it back up like a good boy so it was nearly done.

"Yeah maybe," he agreed behind me. "What are you planning tonight?" he questioned.

"Hm?" I turned to find him holding the three things Kali had noticed. I shook my head, "Parfaits Darryl, I'm making parfaits for dessert. Gez what is it with people and thinking that everything a man buys has to do with sex?"

"What?" he questioned as he moved to put things away.

"I may have run into Kali..." I sighed as I moved to start peeling potatoes so that they could be put on.

"You did what now?" he demanded.

Looking over at him I started to explain. "I hit her cart with mine, because I wasn't paying attention. Then she looks over my cart, freaks out, asks what I had planned for her husband. Says she isn't stupid and that she knows what someone buys those things for and I laughed at her told her I was making parfaits, laughed at her some more and left."

"Oh god," he frowned.

"Dar its fine, don't worry about her. Now what about this bbq you were talking to me about on the phone."

He shook his head, "We aren't going to it." He stated.

"Why not?" I looked away and went back to peeling.

"Why do you think?" he retorted.

"I think a lot of things but I want you to tell me why," I stated as I started to cut the potatoes up and put them in the pot. I did think a lot of things about why he wouldn't want to go. Maybe the guys didn't know he and Kali had split up -doubt that one since he asked me while he was on the phone. He could not want me to go because he simply doesn't want to go and doesn't like the guys -doubt that one too. Then there were two options left, he didn't want them to know he was gay, and that Kali could be there.

I looked over at him, he was looking down at the table in front of him, "Dar just tell me why you don't want to go." I told him gently.

He looked up at me slowly, "They think that you're a...ugh...girl," he said quietly.

I looked at him, "And you want to keep them thinking that way?" I asked going back to the potatoes.

"I don't know." He muttered, "I-I-I don't know what they'll think."

"Do you care what they think?"

"I-I don't know." He let out a sigh.

Shaking my head I finished with the potatoes and got them ready to put on the stove before doing so. I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"You have to stop caring what other people think. You have to do what makes you happy. And I mean that in every way." I rubbed his shoulders. "I think we should go, it could be fun and hell if we don't like it after we get there we can leave."

"I guess." He said quietly looking up at me.

"Tell him we'll go and see what we need to bring, if anything." I told him before going to clean up the potato peals.

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