Chapter 15 Part 3

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Austin's POV

...I pulled back and looked down at him, "Don't be mad," I requested softly.

Darryl glared up at me, "Don't be mad? How am I supposed to not be mad Austin?" he growled at me.

"They were going to find out eventually, and even if I hadn't if kissed you, Kali would have made sure everyone believed her and they still would have known." I pointed out gently, I was still sitting on his hips looking down at him.

He continued to glare at me, "get off," he hissed before moving to try and push me off of him. With a sigh I moved so I was sitting on the bed beside him.

"You know I'm right." I told him gently. I let out a gentle sigh, and decided to change the subject, "I talked to lawyer the other day..." I told him, wondering if he'd bite or try to ignore me.

Confusion filled his face but to my surprise he did bite, "A lawyer about what?" he asked, his voice still hard, he was trying to be mad at me.

"About Justin and what it would take for you to get custody or at least visitation to him," I told him gently. His glare softened a little bit but he was still trying to act mad at me.

"Why would you do that? And how do you even know a lawyer?" he asked.

"My best friend in high school became a lawyer, I talk to him all the time, this time I asked for legal advice," I said with a shrug.

His brows curled in towards the bridge of his nose, "Why?" he asked confused.

"Because I know how much Justin means to you and I figured it wouldn't hurt to see what Chris had to say about the matter." I told him softly.

His glare hardened, what the hell did I say to make him mad again? "You told someone about all this?" he asked.

I held back from rolling my eyes at him, "I've only talked to Chris about it. But I told you I'm not going to lie to my friends anymore. And I'm sure by this point some of them have already guessed I'm seeing someone seeing as your car is here when you're not working." I pointed out.

He shook his head and moved to get off the bed, "I can't believe this." He muttered darkly.

"Darryl come on," I said shaking my head, this was ridiculous. He walked over to the window and stared outside. He didn't speak nor look at me, finally after a few moments I spoke, "Dar, talk to me, tell me what you're thinking," I requested gently.


*Darryl's POV*

My thoughts are raising, I can't even begin to collect them enough to speak. Not only did most of the guys and their wives now know I was gay, Kali was going to have them all on her side, Austin had told his friend about everything. I don't know if I can go to work tomorrow, maybe I should already just call in sick. Oh yes maybe I should do that now. Oh shit wait, did Austin say something? Shit. I have no idea what he said. I glanced over my shoulder, maybe I'd get lucky and he'd repeat what he was saying.

"Dar, baby, talk to me, tell me what you're thinking," he asked softly.

"Thinking I should call in sick tomorrow," I tell him quietly. He moved off the bed and over to me.

"Why?" he asked gently.

I rolled my eyes, surely he knew why. "Because they all know," I said quietly.

"So? Is that really a big deal?" he asked gently.

"Yes! Gay guys aren't firefighters Austin," I told him simply.

This time he rolled his eyes at me and wrapped his arms around me, "Ugh... yes they are. You're gay and you're a firefighter. You were a firefighter before you knew you were gay. It doesn't change your ability to be a firefighter." He told me softly.

I wanted to object but he did kind of have a point, I shook my head, but the others wouldn't see it that way. It would change how they look at me, how they act around me. "They won't see it that way, they'll act different, they'll have less trust in me." I told him.

He ran his hand along my side gently, "People aren't used to change but if you will just have to prove them wrong. Prove to them you're the same person, that you're still a fireman no matter who you sleep with." he told me softly.

I was about to protest when my phone started to ring, I shifted away from Austin and moved to pull it from my pocket. I looked at the screen and frowned, it was Simon. Austin peaked at the screen before at me, "You should answer it," he said softly.

I nodded quietly and walked out of the room as I answered the phone and brought it to me ear. "Hello?"

"Darryl," Simons gentle voice came from the other end. "How are you doing?" he asked gently.

I shook my head, "I'm fine," I lied.

"I know you better than that," Simon said gently. "How are you really?"

I thought about it for a minute, I could just lie to him. I shook myself, "Honestly? I was just trying to come up with an excuse as to why I can't make it tomorrow."

"Make it tomorrow? What?" Simon asked. "Wait are you thinking of calling in sick tomorrow?" he asked.

I was quiet for a moment, "yes," I whispered as I bit my lip.

"Why?" Simon asked.

"Because they all know..." I said quietly.

"All know what? That you're happy? Austin you can't let the fear of what others think keep you from being happy." He told me gently.

"They aren't going to see me the same way," I told him. "I'm going to have no friends. Everyone is going to be on Kali's side and I'm not going to get to see Justin."

"Darryl you're overthinking this. You're still going to have friends, not everyone is going to be on Kali's side. What she did today was awful. After you two left, Toni made her leave. He wanted to call you and have you come back. I told me we were better off to let you and let you cool off."

I shook my head, "I still don't want to go to work tomorrow."

"If you don't come to work you're letting her win."

I frowned, "What?" I asked, how did that have anything to do with anything?

"Isn't it obvious Darryl? She's a control freak, she always has been. And if you don't come to work tomorrow you're letting her have control over your life still."

I shook my head, "I don't know if I can face them tomorrow."

"Darryl you've worked with them for three years now. You need to act like it's a regular day."

"But it's not a regular day. It's my first day with them all knowing I'm gay."

"Darryl, I expect you at work tomorrow. If you're not there by 6:30 tomorrow I will come to you."

I blinked, "What? You don't know where I am though."

"Darryl don't test my resources." His voice had turned from soft to the demanding supervisor voice I was used to at work.

I shook my head, "Fine," I told him reluctantly. "I'll see you in the morning." 

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