Chapter 7 Part 2

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Austin's POV

I followed his movement through the restaurant, where was he going? Oh! The bathroom. I grinned, he looked to tense, he needed to loosen up. I quickly paid the waitress for my meal before I stood and headed to the bathroom as well.

I pushed the door open and did a quick scan, no one was here. Good. I felt an evil grin come on my face as I locked the main door.

I bit my lip as I quietly walked over to him. Mmm. The way he was leaning made his ass push out just the slightest, and his ass is just so fine. Yum.

I slapped his ass, hard. The sound echoed through the empty bathroom followed by a sharp squeal.

"What the fuck!" Darryl spun around his eyes angry.

"It was sticking out," I shrugged with a grin.

"What are you doing here!" He squeaked. It was weird to see the switch in him, going from macho man type to the shy teddy bear he was with me.

"I had dinner here, like you did with the bitch," I stated.

He shook his head, "What did you do that for?" he questioned.

"Cause I was hungry," I shrugged.

"No! Why did you slap me?" He questioned.

"Cause you were bad, and needed to be punished." I stated crossing my arms.

"What did I do?" he asked his face confused.

"You ditched me." I stated moving to push him against the far wall. I started rubbing his thigh. "You gave up a night with me to spend it with her," I said, lip curling up in disgust as I said 'her'.

"I-I'm sorry Austin!" He struggled to get it all out.

"No you're not, look at you, your all dressed up! For her! For that damned bitch that treats you like shit!" I told him flat out, oh yes I was mad that she had him.

"Austin," he pleaded putting his hands on my chest, "Austin, baby I'm sorry, she wanted a night out, that or a new ring," he whispered.

I rubbed up his thigh rubbing his crotch, "If you were really sorry you'd come to my place tonight," I rubbed his crotch harder.

He moaned against my touch, "You know I can't" he whispered.

I rubbed harder, I could feel him through his jeans, he was hard already, "Well then maybe I am just going to have to leave you with your not so little problem you have there." I stopped rubbing him but kept him pushed up against the wall.

He groaned, "But Austin, what am I going to tell her?" He whispered trying to rub himself against my hand.

"I don't know, tell her you're going out for a beer or two and going to spend the night at a little motel because you don't want to drive after drinking," I suggested.

His eyes were sad but full of lust. "I can't, maybe I can come out Monday when she is at work and Justin is at school."

I looked at him, "Fine," I muttered and pulled back, moving to sit on the counter beside the sink.

Darryl let out a whine, "Austin."

"What?" I asked sitting on the counter.

"You can't just leave me like this!" He motioned to the lump in his pants.

"Yes I can," I disagreed.

"Austin! Please!" He bagged.

I tapped my finger on my chin, "Please what?" I questioned.

"Please don't leave me like this!" He bagged.

I hopped off the counter and grabbed his shirt in my fists. Pushing my lips against his I attacked them, kissing him roughly, I didn't care if his wife noticed that it looked like he'd just made out with someone. I kept kissing him as he matched my tone, I moved my one hand down and rubbed his crotch again.

He moaned against my lips and I smirked. I pulled his zipper open reaching in and pulling him out through his boxers and pants. I pulled back from kissing his lips and dropped down to my knees. I took him in my mouth and sucked hard.

* * * *

I walked out of the bathroom, a smirk on my lips. That had definitely just happened and I didn't feel one bit of regret.

"Austin isn't it?"

I blinked and turn to see none other than Kali standing there. "Yeah," I nodded politely. "Kali, right?"

She nodded, "You bought my husbands mustang or whatever it was."

"His Camaro, I bought his Camaro," I corrected with a nod.

"Whatever car it was," she waved it off. "How have you been? Have a girlfriend yet?"

Oh I could have fun with that question, "I'm doing alright. My girlfriends busy with her family a lot and work," I held back my laugh, yeah my girlfriend was busy with 'her' family and work.

"Ah that's too bad," Kali said.

I shrugged, "One gets used to it," I said. "Anyways I have to get back to the farm, you should get Darryl to come out and see the car sometime soon," I added with a gentle smile.

She smiled and nodded, "Alright, I shall tell him. Bye Austin."

"Nice seeing you again, bye Kali," I nodded. I walked away and out of the restaurant and gave a laugh. Oh my god! I blew her husband off in the bathroom before talking to her. Ah hell I'm horrible! Oh well my sexy 'girlfriend' should be over soon. Haha. 

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