Chapter 18

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"Darryl, wake up, we need to talk."

My green eyes flicked opened and I stared up at Simon, what time was it and what did he want? I stretched as I sat up and looked at him, "What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Get up, I need to talk with you," Simon said simply.

I frowned, I didn't like the sound of that. I got out of bed and trailed after him out of the bunk room. He walked into his office, the light was already on. He sat down at his desk and motioned for me to sit. "What's going on?" I asked as I sat down, looking over at the clock, it's five am.

"I received a phone call about an hour ago from Officer Taylor, he had been driving by the station when he noticed some vandalism." He said gently.

"I don't understand." I was half asleep and so didn't understand what he was talking about.

Simon frowned, "Darryl, someone vandalized your car. They spray painted very hateful things all over it in black paint. Now before you start freaking out I've already got it towed to a repair shop."

I blinked, "What?" I shook my head, "What the hell did they put on my car? Who the hell did it?" I asked. Oh god, I knew it couldn't be this easy. Surely someone from here hated me now.

Simon looked at me, "I will show you pictures after. First I need to know what you want to do about it."

"How do I know what I want to do about it if I don't know who did it? Was it one of the guys?" I asked him simply.

He shook his head, "No Darryl, it was no one from here. But it's obvious it is someone who knows you." He said gently.

"Did you check the cameras to see if you could tell who it was?" I asked him.

"Yes Darryl I watched the footage. It's hard to see who it was for sure. But it wasn't any of the men that work here." He said simply.

"Well how do you know if you can't see who it was?" I asked him confused. This wasn't make any sense.

"I can tell it wasn't a male. Do you want to watch the tape?" He asked simply.

"You can tell it wasn't a male? Just show me the tape," I muttered darkly it was fair to early to deal with this.

He moved his computer screen so we could both see it before he started playing the clip. The perpetrator had on a dark coloured hoodie and had the hood pulled tight so you couldn't see much of their face. But he was right it wasn't a male, the body was too slender and curvy to be a male. Couldn't make out much from the video, but you could tell she spray painted my car pretty good. When she was done she moved out of camera view.

"And there's no cameras in the direction she moved." I stated with a sigh. I stared at the screen, this was bull shit. "So you had it towed already?" I asked.

"Right. And yes." He said easily. "I had it towed to my brothers body shop."

I sighed but nodded, "alright well thank you." I said quietly. I ran a hand over my face, how was I going to get back to Austin's? I couldn't text him now, he was still asleep and he had to be out into the barn by 6:30. I let out a frustrated sigh and closed my eyes, why the hell was this happening?

"Is there anyone you want me to call?" He asked me gently.

I shook my head, "No, can you just give me the number to the shop so I can call him later to see what he can do with it." I said gently as I moved to stand up.

"Do you want a ride anywhere after the shift is done?" He asked me gently.

I nodded, "Yeah that would be good. I ugh can't call Austin, he has chores to do and don't exactly feel like hanging out here an extra two hours." I said quietly.

Simon nodded, "As long as you're good with waiting until after I talk to Colin, I can give you a ride anywhere." He said gently.

"Thank you," I told him softly before walking out of his office. 

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