James suddenly slapped Grayson's ass, catching him off guard & Grayson's body jerked away as James shoved him off of the couch. Emma sighed loudly in relief as Grayson hit the floor & James chuckled. Grayson sat back up again on the floor & pouted while pulling his legs against his muscular chest, ducking his head down into his knees. James laughed harder. "Why don't you love me?" Grayson asked quietly, sounding tired. Emma & I chuckled as James leaned down to look at his boyfriend. "My poor baby." James cooed while touching my brother's hair & Grayson scoffed, getting up to walk away when James wrapped his arms around his waist to stop him. "Fine, come here." James said sarcastically & pulled a now happy Grayson down on top of him, wrapping his arms around his upper back instead to pull him closer. Emma laughed at them before giving the two a disgusted look when they started to kiss. My mouth dropped open. Grayson was tongue fucking James' mouth. On my favorite fucking couch. No pun intended.

"Get a room!" Emma said loudly & stood up from the couch, walking over to the one I was sitting on to sit down next to me instead. James laughed & flipped him & Grayson over so he was on top now. "What's the matter? Don't like the show?" James said sarcastically in between kisses & I cringed, shivering. "Yeah, what's the matter?" Grayson jokingly said, suddenly grabbing James' ass & squeezing it softly as I slapped a hand over Emma's eyes like she was a child. Emma giggled loudly & grabbed at my arm, moving my hand away from blocking her view. I laughed & covered her eyes with my other hand, making her jump out of the way & laugh hysterically. I leaned back against the couch with a smile on my face, giving up as I sighed & yawned. "Tired?" Emma asked while looking at me & I nodded slowly. "Couldn't sleep last night," I explained, "also that hot shower really did it for me." Emma nodded while chuckling & I shut my eyes. "Me too." She said. "Why couldn't you sleep last night?" I heard her ask & my eyes opened again, looking into her light blue ones. "Thinking about my mom. How right now she's alone with my dad. Was worried that something might happen." I mumbled quietly so Grayson wouldn't hear, but there was no need as I could still hear him kissing James from across the room. "She'll be fine, I promise." Emma stated & gave me a soft smile, causing the corners of my lips to raise into a smile as well. "Why couldn't you sleep?" I asked back & her facial expression turned into a frown as her eyes darted around the room. "Uh-I was just cold so it kept me up." She explained oddly & I nodded slowly. "Sorry, the lovebirds over here took all the blankets last night." I apologized loudly, aiming my voice towards Grayson & James. Grayson crawled off of James & sat down next to him while glaring at me. "Sorry we were fucking cold!" Grayson said & I scoffed. "Grayson, you had five fucking blankets! I had one, one and I was perfectly warm." I explained & Grayson rolled his eyes as James laughed & patted his arm sympathetically. "Have you guys ever actually had a civil conversation where you don't yell or fight with each other?" Emma wondered out loud with James agreeing & I crossed my arms. "No, not since Ethan became a fucking dick." Grayson said under his breath & I snapped my head towards him incredulously. "It's not my fault asswipe! It's yours, ever since you kissed up to mom and dad to become the most perfect child." I muttered angrily & Grayson scoffed, standing up from the couch. "Me?! You're the one always fucking trying so hard to get dad to like you more! In football you even shove me out of the way just to get a touchdown! And we're on the same fucking team!" Grayson yelled & I stood up as well, clenching my fists at my side. "That's because no matter how hard I try dad still loves you more and is more proud of you! Even when you don't get any fucking touchdowns!" I argued back & Grayson's upper lip went up slightly, giving me a look. "Well at least I don't beat up people's best friends and then steal them!" Grayson shouted while looking at Emma next to me & I opened my mouth to yell back but had nothing to say. He was right.

Emma gasped from behind me. "You're such a bitch sometimes and you're too blinded by your own stupidity to see it." I heard Grayson mutter & I looked up at him. That's it. I made a move to run at him but felt Emma's small hand grip my wrist from behind me. I looked back at her angrily. "Let go. I'm sick and tired of him talking shit about me. Is that all I am? A bitch? You should've never found me on that day in my room. I was gonna end it all and you screwed it up." I mumbled angrily & Emma's eyes softened. I bit my lip, willing myself to not cry at how fucked up my life is. "Then I'm glad I screwed it up." Emma whispered & I sighed as she rubbed her thumb over the sleeve on my hoodie, in the exact spot where my attempts at leaving this world where engraved. "Come here. Calm down." Emma said & I reluctantly sat down next to her as she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "It's not your fault. Gray's just mad." She said into my ear & I sagged against her warm embrace.

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