"I'm actually a very selected person not my fault people just like me." I shrugged.

"What about you?" I said out of curiosity.

Remeber what I said? Curiosity killed the cat? Well I'm surprised I'm not dead yet.

"What about me?" He says getting a highlighter out his bag.

"You sleep with girls back to back then leave them. Do you even care for their feelings? Asshole." I said annoyed at the fact that most of my friends swoon over him all the time.

What's so good about him?

Yea he's good looking and all but he's a total jerk.

People these days will fall for anybody.

"I get bored of them plus why do you care?" He said with a dark void entering his eyes.

"Because how can anyone like a jerk like you." I stated standing up to go to the kitchen. A warm pulls me back down.

"Why don't you find out yourself." He said teasingly into my ear. I look up to his eyes to see lust. His eyes filled up with lust.

Yea I'm just gonna skiddle de bo pop my way out of this.

I feel uncomfortable.

Very uncomfortable.

I push him away and stand up quickly. "What is wrong with you?" I said speed walking to the kitchen.

I can feel his smirk. I walk back into the living room when I see him flipping through my journals.




"Dear diary" he read out in a teasing tone. "Welcome to me ranting about how much I strongly dislike the one and only. Noel white." He read out in shock.

Is it really a surprise that I hate him? Is it really?

"You hate me that much?" He said putting a hand over his heart. "Yes now if you would please-" "you have to reach it you get it." He said holding my journal above him.

"And you wonder why I hate you so much." I stated trying to get my journal back.

In the end I ended up kicking him until he gave me my journal back.

Hours has past he has already went home. I walk up to my room and change into something comfy. I grab my laptop and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S


"Did you guys you know do the deeds?" Timothée asks the 99th time.

Is it bother rene day? Oh right that's everyday.

"For the 99th time no!" I said placing my head on the luchtable. I think I have a headache from this kid.


"What about-" "Timothée ask me one more question and I promise you i will punch you." I said covering my ears to block anymore questions coming out the boys mouth.

"Your lover boy is here" Laverine said looking up from her book smirking.

"Who-" I turn around to see noel.

Oh my god why is everyone bothering me. I wish I was death so I won't have to hear peoples bullshit.

"Rene" noel said giving me a back hug. People started staring some even taking pictures.

I quickly push him off. "What?" I said annoyed and hungry.

Not a good combination if I do say so myself.

"Woah someone's not in a good mood." Noel said laughing a bit.

"Obviously now what do you want?" I said running out of patience. "I got you nerd ropes even though you nearly killed me yesterday." He said handing me the pack of nerd ropes.

I think I am crying?

Nerd ropes are my favorite man you dont understand.

"Woah woah why are you crying? Don't tell me-" "thank you thank you thank you." I said wiping my tears a away and giving him a big hug.

Wait.. A HUG?!?!

Why did I hug- god no ew gross why.
I'm probably gonna rip this shirt in shreds when I get home now.

I see his smirk as he started pulling away from me. "I did not mean to do that." I said truthfully.

But of course noel being noel. "It's okay I enjoyed and I'm sure you did to." He winked walking back to his table of friends.

"You just hugged him cute!" Timothée squeals. "Congrats with your lover boy." Laverine said smirking.

"HE IS NOT MY LOVER BOY!" I yelled. And I'm pretty sure everyone in the cafeteria were looking at me.

"Then why did you hug him?" Laverine said placing her book down and meeting eye contact with me.

"Because- i don't know." I try to erase the whole scene from my head.

Hello! This chapter has 1336 words I'll try to write plenty more. Anways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote

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