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Crying is how your body speaks when your mouth can't explain the pain you feel

It was a week before Corbyn's first death anniversary. And to say the least, Jonah was an absolute mess. He would break down any minute, feel anger, would destroy things, and just cry anytime he could. Which is why he wouldn't be going to work for three weeks. Jonah couldn't let his workers see him like that. And especially not the press.

But Jonah wasn't alone. He had his three best friends helping him. Jack Avery, Zach Herron, and Daniel Seavey. Other wise known as Noodles/jacky, baby face/Zachy, and giraffe/Dani. Those three people meant a lot to Jonah. Not only because they were his best friends but because they stuck by his and Corbyn's side.

Daniel had been Corbyn's best friend since kindergarten. So daniel was the same way Jonah was. Which meant Jonah was closer to Daniel. Having someone understand and connect with you on that level just brings you closer. Which happened to Jonah and Daniel.

Jonah was alone in his and Corbyn's house. The house felt so alone. Jonah was on the couch, staring at the blank tv. His mind somewhere else. The only thing that snapped Jonah from his thoughts was the sound of the doorbell.

With a groan, Jonah stood up and went to the answer the door.

"Hello," He said once he opened the door, noticing the mailman.

"This is for you," He said then waved goodbye. Jonah doing the same then closing the door and heading back to the living room.

"To my sweet, from Corbyn"

Was what said the letter causing Jonah to gasp. It was Corbyn's handwriting. No one else had it like he did.

He opened the letter carefully, scared to rip the actually letter.

"Dear my sweet,

It's me Corbyn. Now you be must thinking you're dreaming, you aren't my love. I have written twelve letters for you. As well as prepared ten gifts for you. I knew I was leaving earlier then expected so I decided to prepare this for you.

Each year on my death anniversary, you will receive a gift. A gift from me delivered by someone who means a lot to us.

You're first gift will be arriving in one week.

I love you my sweet, keep going my love. I'm watching over you.

Love you to Mars and back

~Corbyn Besson Marais xo <3"

Tears silently rolled down Jonah's cheeks. This letter meant a lot to Jonah. Truth be told, the only thing that will be his motivation for living for the next ten years, will be those gifts and letters.

Last update for today! 😆 the next chapter will be the first gift Jonah receives! I'm so hyped!



And follow me

-Mariana 💜

Love you guys tons

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