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Every thought is a battle,
Every breath is a war,
And I don't think
I'm winning anymore

Jonah, oh god jonah, he was spiraling out of control. And now, everyone could tell. The world was now getting a glimpse at the real Jonah, the Jonah that was hid away.

Jonah would be at a club or party every night getting drunk. Not once did he hook up with anyone though, he couldn't find it in his heart. No matter how much he drank. His mind reminded him of Corbyn.

The world was eating Jonah up. The paparazzi loved to see Jonah fall apart. It gave them more money and more gossip. Jonah was falling down faster then he ever has before.

Jonah was no longer Jonah. No one knew who he was. Not even family nor friends. They were worried for him.

The world gave him pity. He hated it. Making him drown himself in more alcohol. He hated how he got pity for losing the love of his life. Others, they felt bad.

They saw Jonah do a complete 180, becoming the opposite of what he originally was. Only because he lost the love of his life.

But even when the world thought they knew everything of Jonah, they didn't. They didn't see his constant battle with depression.

The nights he cut, his sducidal thoughts, his panic attacks, his anxiety. None of that was seen. Because even though Jonah was exposing a side of him. He would never expose all of him.

Jonah was depressed. And there was absolutely nothing anyone could do. Why? Because Jonah didn't want help. Not anymore. He was done. Done with life. And living.

Jonah wanted to remain alone. He wanted to break and fall apart alone. And that's exactly what he did. Jonah was a mess. He was out of control. He didn't care what happened to himself at this point.

But most importantly, Jonah was to the point of no saving. He was



I love it!



And follow me

-Mariana 💜

Love you guys tons 💜

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