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Prom is here. When I got home I went upstairs straight away. Louise was in her room. She got to leave early because she had a dentist appointment about her braces.

I looked in her room and saw her in her dress. It was a short red dress with silver gems all over it.

D - Hey.
L - Jump scare or what.
D - You look beautiful.
L - You go and get changed.

I did and she was amazed.

L - You beat me. So many boys are going to want you.
D - I know but I already have one.
St - Are you two done? You leave in thirty minutes.
D - Yeah dad.
St - Come down.

Our dad has a girlfriend. She so sweet. She was coming here when we was at prom.

St - So beautiful.
L - Thanks dad. Dan beats me though.
D - On technicality I do.
L - Yeah.

He took a photo and we walked to prom. Phil was waiting outside for me.

D - Hey.
P - Wow.
L - Wait a second. Listen to me mister. I don't know who you think you are but if you hurt my little brother in anyway expect me and my dad on you.
P - I won't do anything.
L - Good. See you later.
D - Bye. I'm so sorry.

I said that when she left.

P - I was expecting it.
D - Let's go in.
P - The most popular punks came by the way.
D - I don't give two fucks Phil.
P - Good to know.

We walked in and Zoe and Tanya ran up to me and Phil.

Z - Fucking hell. You are beautiful Dan.
D - Thanks. It's nothing really.
T - Nothing? You beat all the boys.
D - Thanks.
T - You look after him.
Z - Us pastels will beat you. If you lay one finger incorrectly on him.
P - Okay.

They walked away.

P - I'm scared.
D - Don't be.

It was going good until the slow dance. All of the water things that are on the roof turned on and everyone got wet. The music was still playing because it was in a booth thing. Everyone was laughing. Girls were kinda pissed of but they were having fun. Phil kissed my lips. I kissed back.

(Pretend they are soaked by the water that lights are dimmed)

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(Pretend they are soaked by the water that lights are dimmed)

Louise took that and sent it to me. We got evacuated and given towels. I didn't get one but Phil gave me his.

D - You should have it with your medical condition.
P - That's under control. I don't want you sick. Don't argue. You have a skirt on and you are soaked. Your hair is going kinda curly.
D - Give me that.

I placed it over my hair. I hate it. Absolutely hate it with a passion. Stuart came to pick us up. But before we left this is what the conversation sounded like.

L - I'm froze.
D - I am.
L - Phil aren't you cold?
P - Yes but I rather Dan have the towel.
L - Towel Howell.
D - Fuck off.
L - Excuse mwah. Us pastels don't swear like the punks.
P - I don't swear.
L - You are the weirdest punk on Earth.
MrS - Everyone back in the hall. Wait until your parents come.

We did until something scary happened. A gunshot and a high pitches scream right after. What the fuck? The person turned around and I looked at her. It was my mum.

D - Wait a second.
P - What are you doing?
D - That's my mum.

I walked up to her. Everyone was screaming at me. Mainly Louise, Phil and sir.

D - What the fuck do you think you are doing?
Su - Getting rid of people that are not needed.

She aimed the gun at Phil. Just before she shot, I ran in front of her so she shot me.

P - DAN!
L - Phil calm down.
Su - You stupid boy!
P - Please say he's okay.
L - Listen. He will be fine.

She only shot my abdomen so I tried to smack the gun of her hand. Well it turned into a struggle and she pulled the trigger. It hit me in the chest. Everyone was out of the building. Well I thought everyone.

Su - Dan you are a stupid boy. Falling in love isn't simple. You can't love a punk who acts like a pastel. They aren't truest a punk then.
D - Shut up.
Su - I have the gun and you don't.
D - I love Phil.
Su - You don't and I know you don't.
D - I do.
Su - Who is PJ and Chris?
D - A couple.
Su - Better be. I don't think Phil wants you cheating.

She got arrest but the ambulance was no where near. I was going to die at prom. Phil finally got to see me.

Thrift person

P - Dan...
D - Don't cry if I die.
P - Dan I cannot do that.
D - Don't cry. Punks don't cry.
P - All punks have cried they just don't want admit it. Dan I love you.
D - I love you too.

With each word Dan's voice got softer and quieter.

P - Dan please don't go.
D - Phil your covered in my blood.
P - I said don't go.
D - It's my time.
P - I love you.
D - I love you.

With that Dan closed his eyes. He took his last breath of air before dying. Louise was right behind them when he died. Louise told Dan that she loves him and he was the best brother she could of wished for. Phil asked if he could have Dan's belongings that he had on him that night. He got them the next morning. Stuart planned the funeral and Phil stayed around Louise's. They cried and mourned the loss of Dan.

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