
9 1 1

The chapter is based off of this photo.

We waited. Silently. Phil sitting backwards on a chair and me normally behind him. My mum and dad looking at us from afar. Also Phil's parents. I got to meet them. They were sweet and caring.

(Italics means whispering)

P - I will miss you.
D - Me to. I'm sorry.
P - It's not your fault. Bear I love you.
D - I love you too. When did you get this?

He had a tattoo of an heart. It was a heart with a black outline. Now inside the heart it pastel.

P - Yesterday.
D - I don't want to go.
P - I don't want you to go but don't cry.
D - You smell sweet.
P - Thanks. Cinnamon.
D - Wear that more. It suits you.
P - Really?
D - Yeah.
Announcer - The train to Reading will be here in less than ten minutes.
P - Well this is goodbye.

We was both crying. Lightly though. You could see streaks of tears down our faces.

Dad - Dan come on.
D - I don't want to go.
Dad - Neither do I. Five minutes okay.
D - Okay.

I looked at Phil and titled my head forward so my lips could touch his. That's what they did. People were not think stupid of us because they know that we already chosen what we were. People were looking proudly.

Announcer - The train to Reading is boarding. It leaves in five minutes.
P - Goodbye Daniel.
D - Not goodbye.
P - In two years it will be hello okay.

He kissed my lips again. We both stood up after and gave each other a hug.

D - Text you later.
P - Yeah. I will miss you.
D - See you later.
P - See you later.

People were shocked to see that Phil had cried. My wrapped his arm my neck. Like what boys would do to there friend.

Dad - I'm so sorry Daniel.
D - At least mum got what she wanted.

We sat on the train. I went to put in my earphones before this boy tapped my shoulder. My mum and dad thought it was weird but I listened.

? - Hi I'm PJ. You might know me from Sand Brook High or you might not.
D - I'm Dan.
PJ - Can I talk because I recognise you from school?
Dad - Go ahead.
PJ - Come to my seat. My boyfriend will go crazy.

We went to his seat.

PJ - This is Chris.
D - Dan.
C - Hey.
PJ - I feel bad. You left your boyfriend.
D - I have been forced to move because my mum is a homophobic asshole.
C - Why do I always meet pastels?
D - Aren't you a pastel?
C - I'm a termfluid. It's where I can go from pastel to punk to neutral.
PJ - So we are going to the clinic.
D - I never knew you could be termfluid.
C - Rare. Neutral is like one in a million.
D - I thought I was neutral but then pastel cane along.
PJ - How close were you and your boyfriend?
D - Joined at the hip when we are in school. He hangs out with my pastel friends.
PJ - Show us a picture.

I did.

(Pretend they are pastel

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(Pretend they are pastel.)

C - Zoe, Louise and Tanya. So your Daniel Howell. The only pastel boy at our old school.
D - That's me. Why did you guys leave?
PJ - Bullying. Principal said there was one other pastel boy from me. Also Chris couldn't go because it was a no termfluid or neutral school.
C - We got to Royal Manchester.
D - Sounds like the hospital.
C - It's right next to the hospital. So when people break bones a nurse from there takes a twenty minute walk and checks then calls an ambulance if your broken.
D - I nearly went there until I found out that Phil was at Sand Brook so I went.
PJ - Hey come visit us. We are at 23 Herriot Lane.
D - 24 Herriot Lane.
PJ - Your my mums new next door neighbours.

I spent the rest of the trip with them. We walked off and exchanged numbers.

PJ - Come on the roof at 10 tonight. You'll see us.
C - Bye Pastel.
D - Bye Guys.
Dad - You made some friends.
Mum - You are going to like it here.
D - They are staying for a few months. The boy that approached me boyfriend is termfluid.
Dad - So he's at the clinic.
D - Yeah. And I said boyfriend.
Mum - Phil wasn't good for you.
D - Not good to you, extraordinary for me!
Mum - This a new beginning.
D - For you. Anyways. When I turn eighteen I'm moving into his flat while he is at college. By the time he gets back it would have been ten years because legally we are still together from four years ago. Yes I have been dating him since I was twelve. When I was prepastel.
Mum - Stop bringing him up. You aren't going back.
D - I am for my exam.
Mum - How are you getting down? I'm not giving you money.
D - Phil's parent paid. His mum is collecting me from here taking me to Manchester and back. When I pass I'm going to laugh in your face.
Mum - Let's get home.

The pastel inside of youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora