What had happened

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Your POV

You trudged around the studio halls, your tail dragged along.

Its been a day or so when you first came out of the ink by Joey.

He was delighted, overjoyed that you came out perfect. You were merely confused as to what was happening.

You feel like a whole different person. Like as if someone was merged into you. Well, whoever they are, they seem depressed.

When you first came out as a blob of ink, the said person softly woke you up as you finally took form.

Their voice have a resemblance to yours but more deeper and normal. Like a human girl would have.

Everything's being strange. Other than the voice, Joey asked you if you knew who you and him are, and you merely told him your name and said that you knew him since he was your creator.

He looked like he was expecting more but when you didn't say anything else, he just looked sad.

The voice in your head was wary though. They keep on telling you to not trust him and what not.

He let you roam around the studio as he continued doing.... Whatever he was doing.

As you sat by the stairs, you asked in your head

'Who are you?'

'Do you not recognize me?' They responded.

'You sound familiar but no, I don't. Do I know you?' You asked once again.

They were hesitant and you felt it. It's weird feeling someone's emotions as like you said, its like you were merged with someone.

'Patricia. And yes, you knew me. Once, I guess. I was your voice actor, I gave you your voice...' They responded.

'Go and find my office. I'll show you something.'

And with that, you silently obeyed as they directed you to their place, since you seriously just can't put your finger on it. They seemed familiar along with their name, but it's like trying to see through a thick fog.

Maybe it'll come to you after a while. You have just been reborn after all.

You finally made it to a door with their name on a plate thingy. You opened it and a wave of deja vu and nostalgia came hitting you.

"Is this your room?" You asked out loud as you looked around.

'Mhmm! Sorry if its a mess, I'm not a clean person eheheh' they laughed sheepishly.

You smiled at their behavior and continued looking around as they told you so.

As you look around, you saw a picture posted to a wall near a mic set. It's a picture of you and a girl..? Woman? And you two looked happy.

She's holding a what seemed to be a plushy of yours. You were almost as tall as her in the picture, you must be flying since you're pretty small.

 You were almost as tall as her in the picture, you must be flying since you're pretty small

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"Is.. This you?" You asked. You almost felt them smile.

'Yes. That was taken back when your first toy was out. You were so excited to tell me that you flew right into the room holding it.' She chuckled.

You giggled. Yea, that sounded like you alright.

"But wait, if that person is you, then how can I hear you and speak with you?? I don't see you anywhere and I can oddly feel your emotions." You questioned. They merely sighed in sadness and you quickly regretted asking.

"I'm sorr–"

'No its alright. I'm.. Dead I guess. I was used to recreate you after you died I think.' You were shocked to hear this.

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry to hear that!" You replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, who killed you?" You asked worriedly.

'It was him... Joey. He killed everyone in the studio to bring the toons back. I'm pretty sure he had gone bonkers' You didn't know what to feel after hearing that.

What should you do?

'Y/n, listen to me. Dont trust them. I'm pretty sure he tried making the other toons before you and we don't know if he failed at that. Be wary. That also means playing along. Don't look suspicious, we've already died once, I'm not all about dying twice, do you understand?' She softly warned.

You gulped and nodded. You kept on looking around. There are various of doodles and songs lying around.

You also found the toy and left it there. One thing kept on tugging on your mind as you felt her feeling guilty, maybe because she can also feel your emotions and read your mind? You don't know. Not that you were being vocal about it on your head anyway.

You remembered how the studio looked before for some reason. As much as there were pipes leaking or blowing up, it looked pretty clean and lively.

Now the walls and floor reaked of ink and death, as the empty halls looked haunting. The only sound that can be heard was your footsteps and voice as you talked to her vocally.

It creeped you out.

The thought of what had happened echoed in your mind as you felt a pit of dread in your stomach.

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