The last of the Females

470 17 21

Patty's POV

I wonder what's up with Mr. Joey to call me to his office.

There's something wrong with the aura that the studio is illuminating. The halls seem darker than usual. The creeks that the floorboard make under my weight and the sound of the ink pulsing through the pipes making me anxious if its gonna explode on me once again and the ink dripping on the walls.

Its so quiet here and I haven't seen anyone as of today. Not even the toons. I'm starting to grow worried.

I went up the stairs and passed through the recording booth. I opened the door that leads to the stairs and went out.

"Okay, if I remember correctly, his office is by the machine and is just around the corner... I think" I mumbled to myself praying that I won't get lost since I have no sense of direction.

I went through a corner and jumped at what I saw.

"Boris!" I gasped.

He's strapped in a metal table with what seems to be a huge ink pipe on the bottom back and his chest is open with his rib bones sticking out and he's lacking a heart and other organs.

I stepped back as I stared in horror. 'Who did this!? Oh my, is the others okay!?'

"Ah.. I see you have arrived" a voice behind me spoke, making me jump and turn around.

"M-mr. Joey! W-what happened here?" I asked on the verge of tears.

"Well... The others were starting to melt and disintegrate so I have to do something. The butcher gang was the first to go and melted away. I didn't know what to do since I didn't know the source of the problem." His eyes seems to sadden as if he was relieving a memory of his children dying.

"I have to do something. So I had to sacrifice him to know and save the others." My eyes widened as I knew who he was talking about.

My tears started to finally fall and he took notice of this and hugged me trying his best to comfort me. I swear he acts like a dad towards me everytime.

Just as I started to calm down, I noticed the ink stains on his clothes.

"Pat... Would you do me the honour of taking them back?" He let go and walked with my hand in his like how a parent would to his child. Gosh! I'm older than what I look like hmph!

"Of course I want to help them!" We went down a set of stairs that I've never been before and it was a little dark there since the only light were these small candles.

"What do you want me to do?" I squinted my eyes to try and see better as he let go of my hand and heard a few things shuffling behind me which I'm guessing him trying to get somethin.

"Just one thing." I turned around to face him but I can only see his shadowed form.

"I want you to stand still..." I looked down to where his left hand would be and saw a reflective shiny object that is reflecting the light from the candle.

"M-mr..Joey...?" I nervously looked up to him, fear evident in my voice.

"Shhh... Just be quiet, it'll be quick" I took a step back. He was in front of the stairs leading up, I can't go that way.

And before I can even think further, I felt something sharp slide down my neck. It was numb, then it turned into an itchy pain.

I was frozen. Blood gushed down my throat chocking me while I stare at him with my glassy wide eyes.

I fell to my knees, one arm supporting me up and the other on my neck trying to stop the bleeding even tho its useless.

He stepped out of the shadow, his face blank.

He kneeled down to my already small level as I coughed out blood.

"Shh.. It'll be over soon dear." He patted my head.

I was starting to get dizzy due to blood loss. But what snapped me awake is when he said.

"Don't be too afraid, you'll be joining the others and the others will join you." He plans on murdering everybody! No! I gotta warn them! Specially Sammy!

And with every strength I have I head-butted him on the stomach stunning him and probably knocking out some air.

He grunted as he fell to his butt and I booked it and ran up the stairs as fast as I could.

My mind was going hazy as I coughed up blood and the slit on my neck wasn't getting better either. I was lucky that I moved back so the cut wasn't that deep to literally make a huge hole out of it.

I found my way to the door to the staircase that's both leading up and down the basement where the music department is along with our room office thingy.

I have to be quick since he probably snapped out of his shock and is trying to follow me with my blood trail, but I can only stumble along the walls since my body won't cooperate as I lose more blood.

I finally reached the music department and I can hear footsteps behind me that prolly belongs to Joey.

I rushed in trying to find Sammy. I bumped on something soft yet still masculine. 'Sammy!'

"Woah! Pat you oka– HOLY CRAB PIE! PATRICIA WHAT HAPPENED!?!?" He held me with my shoulders in his grip as his face contorted to extreme worry and panic.

"*cough**cough* run!.. Joe–" before I even finished my coughing fit of a sentence, I felt something go through my chest.

I didn't even have to look down to know what it was. I already knew. Its a knife.

The same knife that slit my throat. And with that, I fell and released my last breath.

'Oh well. I tried my best and managed to warn him....' And with that one last thought...

I drifted to eternal rest as my body went limp.

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