Crushes..?(part one)

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Patty's POV

'This is stupid! snap out of it! He's probably older than you for who knows how many years!'

'But the way his firm hands and fingers gracefully play those instruments... The way he sometimes would teach and instruct the other musicians for the audio and other songs for those episodes...'

"Pure bliss~" I sighed dreamily.

"Pat?" I squeaked and jumped from my seat in shock and panic that I fell from the chair I'm sitting on, knocking over my books and papers scaring who ever called me from behind.

"Holy Flying Unicorn's Crazy Killers!!!" I spewed out.

The person stared at me in silence before bursting into laughter.

"Ahahahahah!! Wow Pat! That's quite a mouthful! Ahahahahah!!" Sammy laughed.

I feel like I'm being dipped in boiling tomato sauce for a spaghetti dinner. 'Frick! That was so embarrassing!'

"I-I.... W-what are y-you doing here!?" I stuttered and flushed red in embarrassment.

He pats me on the head as he started calming down, and since I'm still on the floor, he had to bend down quite a little. I pouted.

"Heh well the boss wanted me to call you to go to his office" he blushed a little as he ruffled my hair. Probably from laughing too much.

"I..I see. Well thanks Sam!" I stood up and quickly ran out of my little room/office thingy.

'That was S O embarrassing!'

I am Loyal to You [Sammy Laurence x Toon!Reader] Where stories live. Discover now