His Children

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Joey's POV

I pulled Sammy by his leg as I went back as to where little Patty's body was left behind from the chase, her left shoulder chopped open up to her chest from my previous attempt on hitting Sammy.

"Poor you. You tried your hardest to warn him but in the end he still died. It was the inevitable. I'll give him credits for almost making it though." I talked to her corpse as I dragged her by right hand.

"Don't worry... I'll bring you back. You and Y/n will merge together and be one. I still remember the day you went here to ask for a job. Your personality.. Your voice, heck even your height fitted the hybrid like a cute little glove." he chuckled. His eyes then turned sad, pained by everything he had done to the little voice actress that he treated like his own child along with the other toons as he dragged her body down to his other workplace by the ink machine.

"I will make sure that I would bring everybody back.. Anew" he smiled, insanity and desperation glinting in his gray like blue eyes.

It was a slaughterhouse. How he managed to kill everyone one by one was beyond anyones imagination.

As he finally made it to his place, he started to work on what was left on the corpses. The blood, the organs, the sketches, all of what was needed was mixed with the ink that was fused by his black magic. The same one that put Bendy and the others into the third dimension, making them 'exist'.

He kept on working, mushing everything and everyone into the ink, each people seperated in different coffins as he put them into tube like jars like a sick smoothie as he chanted on the pentagram, one character and person at the time.

He first started with the few animator cleaners, janitors, and musicians. He failed. Turning them into a puddle of thick ink on the floor that he cannot reuse.

Next, the paper workers. They turned into something. They looked like a human.. But made out of ink and probably mushed guts and blood with glowing golden eyes. Remembering Joey and what he did to them once alive and now, made them run away from him.

He didn't care and just grunted in frustration. He wanted the toons back.

'Maybe the ink machines' power from up here isn't enough.' He thought.

And so down he went in between the two ink machine as he created the second one not too long ago.

His third attempt was the butcher gang's voice actors. He kinda succeeded but they looked... Twisted.

Charley, the tallest of the three, had his face twisted into a screaming like expression with his mouth wide open. His left eye gone and replaced with an X which looked like it was sewn while the other was just a black circle instead of a piecut eyes. His suit tattered with his left  hand missing along with his right leg but was instead replaced with a...plunger?

Barley, had his head hanging on a string of what seems to be a fishing rod. His beard gone, and his eyes looked like as it it was pushed inside of his head. His nose was a small tube which looked like the end of his supposed to be pipe and his mouth turned into a frown with extra ink connecting the corner of his mouth from the top to bottom. His body looked normal exept for his belt like thing around his belly in which you can write on.

And lastly was Edgar. He looked worse than the two with his mouth sewn shut. On his head were rows of teeth which is connected with the ink which makes it look like a mouth but without the lips as it opens and closes, like a twisted pacman merged into his skull. His right eye didn't looked right with two sets of wire like strings connected to it going around his head. His two left hands were merged together with a crane like toy that someone would use for a prank with a fist in the end.

They looked like as if they're in pain as they were unstable. Over and all, they looked horrifying.

But Joey won't give up, he'll do anything to perfect and recreate them.

He'll do anything to get his children back.

Whooh! That was morbid XD welp it's a BATIM thing, y'all ought to expect that. But hey! I updated! The tests is still not done tho. We'll have more on Monday and we'll prepare live chicken on Tuesday for our T.L.E. Rip in advance chicken.... You'll be tasty u ^ u your death will not be in vain!!

Sammy: smh...

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