"If it wasn't for your dad, I would've never been prom queen though that was kind of a bad experience for me when I think about it. But I still would've been living my life with a fake stutter. You had to be there." Tina says.

"I didn't have a father Someone I could look up to model myself after. Someone who could show me what it really meant to be a man. But your dad taught me how exactly to be a man." Finn says.

"It may seem a little weird to you, but back here in the Dark Ages it was still crazy for girls to love girls and guys to love guys but your dad made sure that we felt safe loving whoever we chose." Santana says.

"He does this magic trick where he pulls a duck out of a hat. You should have him show you sometime." Brittany says.

"Your dad had a passion for teaching. He really loved that moment when he connected with a kid. And he was prone to overemotional yet often inspiring pep talks." Sam makes an impression of dad.

"To put it simply, I was not a particularly nice person. Then your dad came along, and I became a man who was kind a relatively large portion of the time." Puck says.

"I can say without a doubt that your dad saved my life. Little Hepburn and Tracy wouldn't have a daddy if it wasn't for your dad. Those are the names of my kids who aren't born yet." Kurt says.

"We used a surrogate." Blaine grins.

"I donated the egg." Quinn grins.

"In the whole wide world, you'll never meet a man more accepting and open to nature in all its wonders than your father. He's a gem." Unique says.

"The best thing about your dad and that horrible perm of his is that no matter how talentless misshapen, ugly, miserable or sexually ambiguous you are he will still love you unconditionally." Coach Sue says.

"Your dad made sure that everyone in this school understood what it was like to see the world from this chair and he helped me see all that I could be even though I was in it." Artie says.

"No words can describe how good he is." Grandpa says.

"Your dad is the best man that I ever met. I was terrible but you know what? He made me changed to become a so much better person. I'm so lucky to married a man who is a hard worker like him." Mom says.

"Dad is the most incredible man in my life. He will do anything he can to make his kids' dreams come true. He is a hero." I said from the video.

"He is the most genuine." Artie says.

"Honest." Kurt says.

"Kind." Puck says.

"Generous." Santana says.

"Sand dollar." Brittany says.

"Amazing man any of us have ever met. He loved and looked after every one of us with as much care and concern as he does for you. We love your dad. We love him very, very much and no matter where we are or what we're doing he's with us, because we have his name tattooed in our hearts." Rachel says at the end of the video and an intro of Yellow is playing.

I smile and walk out from the backstage as the curtain lift up. I can see that dad is smiling and wipe his tears away.

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called "Yellow"

So then I took my turn
Oh what a thing to have done
And it was all yellow

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