Chapter 6 - Dinner Parties (Part 1)

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The car pulled up outside the huge house, both Kol and Elena could hear chatter from inside with some soft music playing in the background. They mentally prepared themselves for the evening, they both had a feeling that all wasn't going to be peachy tonight.

Leaving the safety of Kol's car, they walked up to the front door and rang the bell, minutes later the door opened and Finn Mikaelson stood there to greet them.

"Kol, Elena, come in!" Finn stepped aside as he let the two walk into the foyer of the house. The house was filled with antiques and paintings Elena didn't recognise. As they entered the dining room they found themselves at the center of attention. All eyes were on them, until Rebekah broke the silence.

"Elena! Kol, would you like a drink?" Rebekah asked with a smile, ignoring everyone else in the room.

"Yes, make it a strong one please" Elena pleaded quietly, she was returned a smirk from the blonde. She turned away to notice that both her best friends were here "Matt, Caroline, I didn't know you would be here." Elena said softly.

"Well Bekah didn't want to go solo, so she asked me to be her date. Care over here was with Klaus when I arrived. Apparently he asked her" Matt smiled and took Elena in a one arm hug, she was actually grateful that she wasn't alone tonight.

"It's fine, I just didn't expect anyone else to be here, but I'm glad you are. It's relaxed me a little." Elena whispered to them and receiving a small laugh in reply.

Rebekah returned with a Martini for Elena and a soft drink for Kol, he was driving and there was no way that Kol was getting drunk and leaving a stranded Elena alone with his family.

Kol decided to show Elena around a little before dinner, they had noticed that Mikael and Elijah were nowhere to be seen and Hayley had also left the room as they entered the house. They reached a room that had Kol's name written all over it, he strolled over to the opposite side and opened up the glass doors, it was nice outside for once.

Kol's voice interrupted her moment of peace when he said "Right, this is your last chance to escape... What do you want to do ?" This made Elena laugh a little, he really expected her to leave. He didn't exactly think it through though as they were on the second storey and she was in a dress and high heels, this was no great escape act.

"I'll stay and anyway I will more likely survive the dinner than the escape route you have in mind" Elena watched as Kol looked over the balcony to see nothing , no drain pipe, no tree. It was just a big drop to the ground. "Yeah sorry, I didn't exactly think about the details." Kol shrugged and smirked.

They left the room, closing Kol's door behind them. Elena asked for the directions to the bathroom and left Kol to retreat back downstairs.


Mikael had pulled his son aside before all the guests arrived. He pulled Elijah into his office and put his hands into his pocket.

"Elijah my son, how are you feeling?" Mikael asked casually

Elijah didn't know where his father was heading with this conversation, but answered anyway. "I'm fine, a little tired but nothing some sleep can't fix" Elijah took a sip of his drink to fill the time.

"And Hayley, how are you two?" His father asked in interest.

"She's good, although she's pushing for more" Elijah sighed at the troubles he's been having.

"That's fantastic news! Here I have something for you..." Mikael fumbled around his jacket pocket unil took hold of the object, it finally revealed itself and Elijah could only stare in shock, a ring box.

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