17.Grand Festival Finish (END)

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(A/N:Here's the chapter enjoy.)



"C'mon Vessel use us..."

Izuku's Mind:Who said that? Who's talking?

"You don't know me,but I know you. We met during one of your memory lane trips."

Izuku's Mind:If we met then how come I don't recognize your voice?

"That would be because we only chatted for a little bit,but you gave me a name."

Izuku's Mind:If I did then what was it?

"Remember Project 252? That's me."

Izuku's Mind:Wait a minute...Beb?

"Yep that's me. Now use my power to save the day Spider-Man."

Izuku's Mind:Are you sure Beb? How do I know if I'm using too much of it.

"You won't,now quickly use it!"



Spidey's Mind:Man Beb didn't know you could change my look.

Beb:Yeah forgot,but that isn't important. We have a stadium to save.

Spidey's Mind:Your right,let's go then.

As Spidey looked towards the villains his sense went off,but before he could dodge Beb was able to drag him out of the way.

Spidey's Mind:Wow thanks Beb.

Beb:No problem,now focus on the fight.

Spidey's Mind:Got it.

Once Spidey went back to focusing he got himself ready then looked right that the person who tried to attack him.

Spidey's Mind:Alrighty Lizard,bring it.

Spider-Man shot two lines,right towards Lizard then launched himself towards the reptile. Once we was close he threw a punch with minimal effort,but for Lizard it was able to launch him back.

Spidey's Mind:Woah,I didn't even put that much power into my punch,and I pull on them.

Beb:Oh yeah,sorry forgot to mention that. Since you're using my power,it was able to pump up your regular strength to another level. Especially the ones where you don't pull back.

Spidey's Mind:Wow,well again Beb thanks.

Beb:No problem,now I think the reptile is down. Now time to focus on the tail man.

Spidey's Mind:Correctam-.

Before Spidey could finish he was then slashed by Scorpion's tail. He staggered back,but when he looked right at the injury it had suddenly been covered.

Spidey's Mind:Let me guess,you forgot to tell me.

Beb:Yep,whenever your injured I can be able to patch it right back up,but don't think I'm some sort of medic.

Spidey's Mind:No worries,now back to the threat.

Spidey then again got himself ready and launched right towards Scorpion,before Scorpion's eyes he was punched right in the face with his face plate coming clean off exposing it.

Scorpion:Damn you eight legged freak!

Spider-Man:It ain't my-wait a minute.

At that moment Izuku had remembered something from earlier in the day.

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