He turned his head chucked and exhaled. Returning his eyes back to me he said. 

"None of them are Celia, you are different. I'm not sure what it is but I'm dying to find out more and more about you."

"When you told me you felt something that made you kiss me that day was that true?" I asked him.

"Yes, my heart told me to do it but I didn't think it would ruin you."

"No you didn't ruin me I just never had a man so driven to get to know me for me."

"You've been around little boys Celia. Boys who wanted to toy you around. Listen can I tell you something I've never told anyone else?"

"Yea sure?"

"I was in love with this woman named Julia and I tried my best to give her everything she wanted, she lost her job and I took her in. She had a affair and."

He paused and looked away getting teary eyes.

"She had a affair with another man and got pregnant and even then I still stood in and took care of her and a baby that wasn't mine."

"I would have kicked her to the curve after that." I said getting upset.

"You see I was leaning towards that but my heart wouldn't let me put the pregnant woman I love out on the street."

"So what happened then?"

"She took my things and left in the middle of the night and I never saw her again."

"I'm so sorry Stefanzo you didn't deserve to be treated like a door mat." I placed my hands on top of his.

"Its been awhile since that happened and it still crushes me not because I still love her because that faded....but because I gave everything to get nothing but a stab in the back." He told me grabbing a hold of my hand tight.

"If I'm willing to risk it all for someone again I want you to be able to risk the fear you have for me." He continued.

A tear drop fell from my eyes. I was filled with so much emotion .

"Okay I'm willing to take the risk with you just promise me you won't hurt me because I can't have that happen again" I said to him.

"I cant promise you that I won't hurt you because I'm imperfect and we are going to have disagreements but I promise to be dedicated to you and only you. To put you first throughout everything. To support you and protect you. And some day.....one day love you." He chuckled.

I smiled at him and grabbed his face and kissed him.

Taking him by surprise he grabbed my chin and kissed me a few times.

"Now I know you said you wanted to take things slow so what was that?" He asked laughing and licking his lips.

"I felt something and I acted on it." I winked at him.

"So this means we're dating now?" He asked.

"We're talking silly goose there's a difference I still need to get to know you more."

He raised his hands up in agreement to what I said.

"Ok we're going to have to jump like now." He said to me.

I realised we were at the top of the mountain.

"I can't do this Stefanzo."

"Yes you can."

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