chapter seven

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Jane was unsure how to play this. She could try to play along with Katy or she could be blunt and ask her what she did last night. Wanting to piece the night together, she went with the second option. "Yeah totally... So I know this is crazy, but, I guess I may have partied too hard last night. What exactly did we do?"

Katy laughed and playfully hit her arm. "Oh my Gosh! Of course you blacked out, you animal!" Another one of their co-workers walked past and Katy called out to her, pointing at Jane. "This is girl is a party animal!" Katy laughed again.

Jane was growing increasingly frustrated with Katy. She took a deep breath before continuing. "No seriously, Katy. What did we do last night? Like right after I clocked out."

Katy frowned slightly. "Well, I was headed home last night before you called me aside and asked me if I wanted to go out and party with you. Then we were walking to your apartment and passed this store that you ran into and stole this amazingly blue dress. Oh my god it looked so good on you."

Stole? That explained where the blue dress came from but why would she steal it? She had never stolen anything in her life. She was always scared of the consequences.

"What happened after that?"

Katy shrugged. "Well then we got to your apartment, got ready and went to this super sketchy club but it was so fun. You seemed to know a lot of the people there. All of these big guys kept coming up to you and pulling you away." Katy's voice had gotten slightly quieter after that, like she was lost in thought for a moment. But just as quickly, she snapped back. "You got us some great drugs though."

Jane felt so overwhelmed. None of this sounded like her. She couldn't even recognize herself. Drugs, stealing, sketchy clubs, weird guys? What was happening to her? It made her feel sick to her stomach. That's when the voices decided to come back.

Huh, wonder why that all happened last night?

And you don't remember?

Maybe you did more after you left her?

Maybe you're not the one in control anymore.

"Thanks, Katy." Jane muttered with a small smile, ignoring the migraine she was starting to get from all this new information and the return of the voices. "I think I'm feeling a little hungover so I'm just gonna run into the bathroom real quick."

Katy nodded. "Oh yeah, of course!"

Jane quickly scurried past her and made it to the one person bathroom not too far from where she originally was. She locked the door and leaned onto the sink. She looked visually paler and felt herself starting to sweat. Her red hair looked brighter against her skin as she pulled it up in a ponytail, somehow making her feel a little better. As Jane looked into her eyes, it was like she didn't recognize herself anymore. Was she in control of her actions? Maybe the voices were right?

"Aw, Is little Jane having a meltdown?"

Jane felt her blood turn cold as she made eye contact with the hallucination of her brother. He was leaning against the wall with a smug little grin on his face.

"Was this you?" Jane's voice was low but effective.

Jerome shrugged. "What ever do you mean?"

Jane's voice got louder. "I don't remember anything after I clocked out last night. Was it you?"

His smile got wider. "You kept telling me you were control of your body. I was just proving to you how wrong you are."

"How is that even possible?" Jane was close to yelling as she felt her hands starting to run through her hair. "You aren't real! You're in my head!"

"I might not be real, but I can do very real things for you."

"What does that even mean?!" Jane yelled at him, not caring that everyone outside of the bathroom could probably hear her. "Who was that number you called on my phone? Who were those guys at the club that apparently knew me?"

Jerome didn't answer her question with a simple answer. Instead, he played around it. "You'll know when it's time for you to know."

"You can't just take over my body, Jerome." Jane spoke loudly. "Stay out of my head!"

"Oh I'm not going anywhere."

There was a loud knock on the door and Jerome disappeared with it. "Hey, Jane?" Katy's voice was on the other end, sounding very concerned. "Are you okay in there? Who are you yelling at?"

Jane, who's mind was still spinning, tried to calm down and take another deep breath. She waited until her breath was no longer shaky and replied in her normal voice. "I'm fine, Katy. It was nothing. I'll be out in a second."

Jane looked back into the mirror. The girl who looked back still looked foreign.

Who was she turning into?

Doe Eyes ✧ Gotham [1] #Wattys2019Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu