Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

But she was here with her Mate.

Her rock.

Her stability.

The one keeping her grounded and cemented in reality at the moment...

Even if that reality was a bit scary.

They had to at least try.

They couldn't give up before they started.

That wasn't the Sabertooth way.

They would do their best...

And if that wasn't enough... well then, they could at least walk off (or more likely be carried off) with the strong knowledge that they had done everything they possibly could for their guild.

And that would be enough.

But they had to try first.

And try they would.

Perhaps it wouldn't be as bad as she thought.


Laxus stood there with his arms crossed indifferently.

This was going to be easy.

Just these two Sabertooth girls?

That wouldn't be too bad.

He glanced at his boyfriend and tried to ignore the worry that was filling him at the moment.

He could ignore that.

Freed could take care of himself.

He was strong, stronger than anyone gave him credit for...

But he was still the weak link.

And that was not an insult to Freed.

If anything it was an insult to Laxus.

Hurting Freed was more than enough to make Laxus see red.

That meant he had to try and keep control of himself or they might have a chance of losing (or of Laxus going way too far and actually hurting those Sabertooth girls over there).

Laxus could do that.

He continued to look indifferent to the competition as a whole, but of course that was as much a lie as it ever was, meaning entirely so.

Freed glanced at his boyfriend, having to crane his neck to get a look at his face.

Laxus glanced back down at him for a moment.

Fred's open expression held so much emotion and information inside it.

It told him to calm down, that he would be okay.

That he was happy for Laxus being worried, but was also sure that it was an overreaction of the highest variety.

It held love and fondness as well as agitation and annoyance.

Laxus would say his expression held no emotions nor thoughts, and almost anyone would agree with him.

But Freed was not anyone.

He was Freed.

He knew what those eyes held.

They held fear for the green-haired Mage.

They held determination.

They held resolve.

They held love.

And that was more than enough for Freed.

The two Fairy Tail Mages turned back to the Sabertooth ones and prepared themselves for a fight.

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