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It was getting late  in the land of fire  as the sun  had just  set,  and a certain masked ninja  had managed  to get several  miles away from  the village  he had  just robbed, the mysterious  hourglass  that  was proven  to be  more than  it appears to be.  that went  much  easier  than expected  the fake abnu  said to himself  as he admired the hourglass he stole.  once that was so valuable  he would  change his destiny.  Hold it right there naruto said. Ah the legendary Uzumaki naruto and uchiha sasuke tow of the most powerful  ninjas in the land of fire. the masked ninja said. Flattery will get you nowhere, now  hand over what you stole.  Be gone  i have  no time to deal with the likes of you the ninja said.  I don't think so, you have stolen  from our village  and we  will not let that go unpunished.  sasuke said as he took out his sword. 

 This treasure  does not belong to your village! It  belongs  in the  hands  of someone who truly knows it the ninja said.  And who would that be? naruto asked.  wouldn't you like to know the ninja  said as he threw a kunai  knife a them they both dodged. Let's end this clown  sasuke  I don't want to keep hinata waiting any longer.  very well, i have  a previous engagement as well so let's be quick....sasuke nodded.  With sakura-chan, i take it....he whispered  with a smirk. getting  an unemotional  expression form sasuke.  I believe that is none of your business....was all sasuke said before turning to their  opponent.  Soon naruto and sasuke  leaped  forward  to the mask ninja  who put   his guard up.  They couldn't see his face  due to the mask but could  read his body language and he was  not going  to go down without a fight.

We're  giving you only  one warning, hand over  the hourglass  or you'll have  to deal with us.... naruto said in a calm  voice  to his enemy, already  knowing  that  he didn't  stand a chance here. You dare  underestimate me?...the enemy  spat  as he leaped,  pulling  out a katana. Both naruto and sasuke  easily dodged getting  sliced  in half  by the blade. naruto  turned to the enemy  and sent  him a cocky grin.  yes, we dare....he mocked.  You both will regret this.....the enemy  shouted  before  doing a quick  hand sign  and releasing a blast of  fire.  So he had fire  release, naruto and sasuke both acknowledged but were  nowhere near worried.  This fight was only getting  started.  Naruto and sasuke  were currently  engaging  with the fake anbu  who was  proving  to be  rather swift , just like  the rabbit  he impersonated  but still was no nothing  they couldn't handle.  They knew  that if they used their full power, he would  be history  but they didn't feel  the need to  waste so much chakra  and  their goal  here was not to kill the guy,  just apprehend  him and get the goods back.  This guy  knew  something  they didn't  know  and it was  about the hourglass, which  was why  they wouldn't kill him....yet that is. I think this has gone on long enough sasuke said to naruto and his enemy. 

 For once i agree with you boy, this ends now....  the enemy said  as he placed his hands on a familiar sign and disappeared.  The body flicker  technique....sasuke said in anger.  He hasn't gotten to far naruto  said as he used  sage mode  and quickly detected the enemy. He's just a few yards  north he said as he gave chase.  The two ran  in that direction  and managed  to see their  enemy who was still  hopping from trees to trees, trying to escape.  Give it up already  you can't  possible expect to escape , there isn't  any place  you can go  that we won't  be able to track you.... naruto shouted.  Any place.... maybe  but any time?  the enemy  ninja  thought in  as he knew how to escape. he pulled out the hourglass already  having an escape plan. Naruto  he's about to use the hourglass...I don't know what's about to happen but i don't trust  him with it.... sasuke said to naruto. RASENSHURIKEN! naruto shouted. the blast caused the hourglass to slip from the enemy's hands and fall to the ground. NO! what have you fools done! he shouted. KA-BOOM suddenly an explosion was heard  upon the empact. the hourglass hit the ground and broke and the sand came out. What's happening? what's going on? naruto asked.

sasuke couldn't answer him as he couldn't explain.  He had a very  bad feeling about this.

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