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At the training  fields, a certain blond young man  was currently  doing some  heavy training.  This was Uzumaki naruto, age 19 who  has been  here since  very early  this morning. Hinata  had been  right as her groom  in question  was currently  doing some training.  The blond  young man was sweating  and panting  but still going at it.  Alright, a little more......naruto muttered as he summoned more chakra. RASENGAN!...... he shouted  upon creating  the powerful  orb  and obliterated a nearby tree. Glad  to see i'm not rusty.... he thought  proudly.  With all the  that's been going on lately, He  rarely  had a lot of free time to train, what  with all the missions  along  with planning his wedding.  It was a little  stressful, which was  why  he needed  a little  release  in the form  of hard work and elbow grease. As the ninja  in question  continued  to work out,  he didn't  notice  that he was being  watched. It wasn't an enemy, if anything  it was  polar opposite  that had  attentive  eyes on the  village hero.

HI-YA!......naruto  shouted  as he threw some shurikens,  hitting his target  perfectly.  HI-YA.....was  suddenly  shouted  and the blond  turned  around  to see kids,  academy  students  all in similar  poses as well.  This caused the blond  man to grin.  Hi there.. naruto said as he recognize  these kids.  There  were about three  boys  he recalled  from his last lecture  he gave  at the academy. Seiji, chan and toru who  were first  year academy students  and big  fans of the village hero. Good  morning  naruto-senpai....the  three boys said in union  as they  did a bow to their idol. Morning guys, what's going on?.....naruto asked the three kids.  Just training  to be awesome ninja's like you senpai!....chan, a dark hair boy with goggles  said enthusiastically.  Is that so?....naruto said with a grin.  Could you spar  with us  naruto-senpai!.... toru asked with  bright  eyes  to the adult. We wanna be  like you naruto-senpai!.....seiji, the shortest  of the kids said excitedly  to the village hero  while  his friends  nodded  in agreement.  Eh, i'd love to give you guys some help but i'm  doing  some training  and I have  plans this afternoon....  naruto said very carefully  and noticed  the wilted looks on their face. 

Please  naruto-nichan! show us!....  the kids  begged  once more to their hero.  Alright....alright.... i guess  i can give you guys some  pointers.....naruto  said and sighed  and saw the kids  lighten  up in excitement.  Alright! naruto-nii  is going to show us  how to kick butt.... chan shouted  while his friends  cheered as well.  kids.... naruto thought  in amusement  as he  saw  how  excitable  they all  were before  he went  to teach  them some  taijutsu  and  show him  some jutsu's  much  to their  amazement.

[Later]  Naruto  was now on his way home to take a quick shower  and later meet up with his fiance' to  plain for the wedding. Naruto  grinned  at the thought  of  that.  This week  alone  was pretty  tiring, what  with  the missions  and everything  but now naruto had his day off, he got a big  payoff  for his last  mission,  which  was a trip  to suna  in order  to maintain peace  and he  was now  going to see his beloved,  beautiful bride  to plan their wedding.  He still  couldn't believe  that in just a few weeks, he and hinata  were going to get married. His  single days  would be over and he'd get to spend the rest of his life  with the sweetest, most  beautiful, amazing woman on earth.  It was like a dream. Hmmmm.. i wonder if hinata  would mind  adding  raman  as a wedding dish...naruto  thought  with  interest  as he continued his walk.  Naruto-nichan!.....  was what naruto heard and turned around to see  konohamaru  running to him.  Hey konohamaru what's up?..... naruto greeted.  fine, I heard  you just got back from  your mission...konohamaru  said  with interest.  Eh, it was  nothing big, just  a routine  visit is all....naruto shrugged.  Soon the two ninja's continued  to walk  and chat together, about life, missions  and of course,  the wedding itself. 

I still can't  believe  that you and hinata are  getting married...konohamaru commented  to his friend  and idol.  I know....i still  sometimes can't believe  it either.  naruto said  with a grin as he thought of his bride. 

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