the hour glass

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As the blond, young man kept  walking  with his young friend, he was greeted  by more and more  villagers, his  fans  and kept  thinking  about his beautiful bride  and their  wedding  that would be soon. He was  counting  the days  away  until the wedding and  how  soon  he will be able  to call her  his wife  and come home  to her every day  for the rest of his life.  It doesn't get any better than this....naruto thought to himself.  He was happy  and why  shouldn't he be.  he had  everything  that he could want  when he growing up....except  for the hokage  title  but he  was still  as determined  as ever  to get it one day. But right now, he had  the admiration  and respect  of the  entire village  that had  once  shunned him,  he had  many close friends  that he knew  he could trust his life with, he had  become stronger  and most  of all,  he had  the love  of a beautiful, amazing woman he would soon marry and start  a family with. Absolutely nothing could spoil this for him! 

Suddenly  an anbu  came up to them  and he mentally cursed. naruto the hokage  is requesting your presence right now...the anbu  said.  what does kakashi sensei want?.... he asked the anbu. It's something to do with that old teammate of yours, Uchiha sasuke...he answered, surprising naruto and even konohamaru in the  process.  I'll see you later konohamaru, i gotta take this ... naruto said before leaving with the other man  to the hokage's office. All the  while  he was hoping  that his friend was alright. sasuke  was still on  his journey  he did  occasionally  come  to the village  ever  so often, so  naruto wanted to know what was up. Despite  how  they always  used to butt heads  when they  first became members of team 7 and the falling out  they had  when he left the village,  naruto always  cared about sasuke as his best friend , even  when  he was being a jerk.  he sure  hope he was  okay.

[About 6 1/2 years ago]  It was  an uneventful day in the village, as a 12 year old naruto uzumaki, almost 13, working his butt off to  improve his skills.  It's been  about  three months since he  and his new  mentor jiraiya or ero-sennin as naruto so eloquently called him,  managed to  track down  and convince  Tsunade  to come back to the village and become hokage. since  it was endless  missions and training.  such as right now.  Come on.....!  naruto  said as he threw more  shurinkens  to his left target.  but missed the bulls  by a bit. Naruto grinned   as he was only  off by a few inches  and he was a lot closer  than  his last one....

Uzumaki naruto, age 19 has  just arrived  to the hokage's office and saw both his old sensei  and comrade  there, looking as serious as  ever....or it was implied  given  that one of them  was wearing a mask after all. Hey kakashi.....sasuke... it's  great to see you is something wrong? did something happen? naruto asked. Yes....or something might happen.. sasuke  said with a sigh... during my trip, i discovered  something  that i  believe  might  have  some   link to kaguya..sasuke  answered, surprising naruto.  Kaguya!..... naruto exclaimed. what is is?....naruto asked sasuke. sasuke immediately  pulled  out a scroll and summoned something out. once he was done , he pulled out  what looked to have been  an old hourglass.  It was  made  of brass-like metal, glass  and it looked  normal , except  that  he saw  the symbol of the otsutsuki  engraved on it.  naruto  was getting  a  very strange  vibe from it.

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